Pokhara Public School

Pokhara Public School

Swagatnagar, Chauthey, Pokhara, Kaski



Located at Chauthey, Pokhara, Pokhara Public School was established in 2051 in order to fulfill the requirement of quality education in society with the motto ‘Knowledge is Power’. The School runs classes from Nursery to Grade 11. In grade XI, it offers +2 in Management with affiliation from National Examination Board. 

Since its very establishment, Pokhara Public School has been offering quality education in affordable price and has been foregrounding for the production of skilled manpower in the country, though on a small scale. 


  • To promote scientific knowledge;
  • To teach the English language effectively so that students can be able to read, write and communicate properly;
  • To give the basic knowledge of different extra-curricular activities such as music, art, dance, anchoring etc;
  • To make the students laborious, dedicated, and competent citizens in every field.


Gyan Sarobar Academy
Gyan Sarobar Academy
  • Pokhara-Lekhnath-25, Pokhara, Kaski
Pokhara Learners' Academy
Pokhara Learners' Academy
  • Machhapuchre Marg, Pokhara, Kaski
Pinnacal Academy
Pinnacal Academy
  • Pokhara Lekhnath - 12, Pokhara, Kaski
Shree Amar Singh Model Secondary School
Shree Amar Singh Model Secondary School
  • Ramghat-12, Pokhara, kaski, Pokhara, Kaski
Siddha Secondary School
Siddha Secondary School
  • Phalepatan, Kaski