Oxford English Boarding Secondary School

Oxford English Boarding Secondary School

Sukhanagar, Butwal, Rupandehi

This school was established in 1991 AD. In an amalgamation of the best innovative teaching techniques, a child-friendly environment, and full digitized classrooms, it has been securing its position in Nepal's reputed schools and colleges with its dedication to quality education.

With student-centered learning provisions and best of teaching faculties, it has been able to receive accreditation from the Civil Unification Society in the year  2076, with graduates in every field such as youth scientists, national players, and singers, scholars in national and international platforms. 

Oxford focuses its pupils on developing moral education to generate moral and ethical values among children with practical and life-related education to ensure the overall development of the learners. It believes in stimulating students' creative and critical thinking power and heightening their moral sensitivity through curriculum execution, value education, and extra-curricular.



Oxford English Boarding Secondary School is located in Butwal, Rupandehi. It is affiliated with the National Examinations Board (NEB) and offers +2 courses in Science, Management, Humanities, and Education stream.

Oxford Secondary School

Butwal - 08 , Sukkhanagar , Rupandehi

Phone no. : 977-071 541363 (Block -A ),977-071 542419 (Block -B)

Email: oxfordsecondaryschool@gmail.com

Website: https://www.oxfordacademy.edu

Admission Guidelines

The school administers an entrance exam. The specifics of the admissions scheme are made public via local newspapers, radio, and television stations. Students must pass the entrance exam in order to participate in the interview, which must also include their parents. The successful students can then enroll with specified terms and conditions.

Admission Criteria
Stream Minimum GPA Subjects Minimum Grade



English, Nepali, Social Studies, EPH D+
  Mathematics, Science C+
Management 1.6 English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Nepali, EPH D+
Humanities 1.6

English, Social Studies, EPH, Nepali, Science


Education 1.6


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