Nazareth School

Nazareth School

Tikhedewal, Lalitpur


Nazareth Primary School was registered in 1992 which is now known as Nazareth School. At present, the school is still providing education to 30+ such children.

The Nazareth School was founded as a fully coeducational boarding school in 2049 B.S. (1992 A.D.). Regarding the curriculum for this group of infants, depending on the child’s age, a well balanced variety of activities are provided to stimulate and promote the intellectual, emotional, physical and creative development of the child, all designed to implement the above aims.

The broad curriculum for the Primary Level includes all subject required for the Primary National Examination. All children are taught: English, Nepali, Mathematics, Science, Health & Social Studies, Music and Information Technology, Environment Studies and non- Laboratory science are taught in the junior classes. Information Technology is studied by all ages and the school is well-equipped with multi-media PC’s. The school also provides Japanese Language class for senior students


The vision of Nazareth School is to establish a self-sustaining community consisting of children’s residence, school, and place of worship, park, play fields, and other facilities that help those children to succeed. 

The school's vision is to make the provision of a home, love, happiness, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nourishment, the highest level of education possible, and a hope for a bright future for the medium class children, orphaned, destitute, unloved, needy and handicapped. 


Nazareth School has a primary objective meeting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of poor children orphaned and/or destitute children by providing them with love, care, nourishment, guidance, and the highest level of education so that they can grow to be valued members of society with a promising future and a memorable past. Nazareth School has been founded with the objectives, which are as follows:-

1. To help the poor, orphans and destitute children to receive standard education so that they should not be deprived of an opportunity.

2. To pursue further studies in high school and colleges or to lead a profitable life without losing their self respect in the society.

3. To assure the children of their rights and lay a proper foundation of knowledge to produce a complete human being.

4. To enable the children to study further in higher levels without any difficulties. 

5. Impart the practical and other skills through extra-curricular activities.

  • private Institution
  • 01-5552229, 9851018332


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