Mount Hermoun English School

Mount Hermoun English School

Chyasal, Lalitpur


Mount Hermoun English School promises to deliver excellence in every classroom. They do it through exceptional teaching  and learning that's possible with the help of a carefully crafted curriculum.

The school also places utmost importance in students learning through theoretical and practical concepts. That’s why they engage students often in their well-equipped science labs.

But is academic excellence all that’s required for a child’s growth? Mount Hermoun understands your concern.

In today’s competitive world, extra-curricular activities are a must. Of course, they help in developing your child into a multi-faceted student. Plus, they provide a physically and mentally engaging environment for the students. Thus, the school holds frequent competitions, sports days, tours, and so on.

Moreover, the school places extra emphasis on Arts to develop social interaction, emotional regulation, and problem-solving skills among students. So, creative students can go all out with their imaginative flair in the classrooms of Mount Hermon.


  • private Institution
  • 01-5548043


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