Madhyamanchal Regional Engineering College

Madhyamanchal Regional Engineering College

Dashrathnagar, Janakpur, Dhanusha


Madhyamanchal Regional Engineering College is located in Dashrathnagar, Ramanand Chowk, Janakpurdham-08, Dhanusa, Nepal.  It was established in Janakpurdham in 2008 AD. 

MREC is a private technical institute affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Nepal and hence it's certificates are recognized by the government of Nepal as well as abroad.  The college is offering Diploma program in Diploma in Computer, Electrical, Electronics Engineering and TSLC in Civil, Electrical Engineering.

MREC is the first and foremost engineering college with three programs Diploma in Computer Engineering (DCom), Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEE) & Diploma in Electronics Engineering (DElx) at Janakpurdham. 

A full capacity of college teaches 432 students every year.  The college welcomes more than 144 new students each academic year.  The college has good infrastructure and education environment. The college is one of Nepal's popular Sub Engineering College. Furthermore, the college consist of professional and experienced faculty members & highly motivated experienced staffs.

In a very short span of time, it flourishes with new dimension and running successfully to attain its goals. The idea of founding this college was conceived in response to need for quality technical education in an enthusiastic, eminent engineers and professionals who are highly sensitive to the challenges and demands of tomorrows. 


MREC is first and foremost a technical learning institute committed to creating optimum learning enviroments and assisting students in an accelerated process of lifelong learning. 


The Mission of MREC is to provide quality liberal arts and career an oriented programs at diploma in engineering level of different faculties.

MREC is a technical center of excellence , providing an enterprising and stimulating environment in which students can learn and develop. MREC aims to inspire all students to realize their full potential to become professional and creative technicians/technologists within the enterprise economic.


MREC is dedicated to the following goals -

  • Student Success: Employment opportunities that require significant educational preparation.
  • Student Satisfaction: REC will provide for the educational, personal and social development of students through effective academic advising and counseling and through high quality cultural, recreational and extra curricula program.
  • Technical Education: All REC students will have a solid foundation in technical, education. It will provide a comprehensive base of liberal studies as the foundation for higher degree in any stream as well as offering professional, technical and occupational degrees.
  • Faculty and Staff Development: REC will have the human resources to accomplish the goals of the institute by supporting a commitment to research to scholarly and creative activities that enhance instructional programs and teaching excellence.


  • private Institution
  • 041-521991, 041-527122


Janakpur Nursing Campus
Janakpur Nursing Campus
  • Devi Chowk 10, Janakpur, DhanushaApprox 400m away
Universal Academy Secondary School
Universal Academy Secondary School
  • Janakpur, DhanushaApprox 700m away
National Human Resource Development Academy
National Human Resource Development Academy
  • Janakpur, DhanushaApprox 800m away
Sharda Institute of Technology
Sharda Institute of Technology
  • Bhanuchowk, Janakpur, DhanushaApprox 1100m away
Shankar Technical Training Center
Shankar Technical Training Center
  • Pithiya Road -7, Pithiya, Janakpur, DhanushaApprox 1200m away