Kalika Manavgyan Secondary School

Kalika Manavgyan Secondary School

Butwal- 10, Butwal, Rupandehi


Kalika Manavgyan Secondary School is located in Butwal Sub-metropolitian, Rupandehi, Lumbini Zone which was established in 2018 B.S (1961 A.D) with the help of local residents, most of them were ex-armies. They realized the need of educating their children and as a result this school was set up in an open ground in southern part of Kalikanagar. 

The school was established as a primary school. In 2029 B.S. it was upgraded to lower secondary level school and in 2032 B.S. to secondary level school. Kalika Manavgyan Secondary School has been able to be a leading community school in Rupandehi district. The school has been playing a great role in the development of quality of education. It has been able to be an "A Grade School" because of its well management, quality of education and dedicated teachers. 

This school is an ISA certified community school. Many students come to this school from far away. It is one of the leading government community schools. Many poor students as well as the students from the remote area are studying in this school. 

Kalika Manavgyan Secondary School offers both General and Technical Education. In General, we have classes from ECD to class 12 and in Technical stream we offer Computer Engineering from class 9 to 12. The school offer Science, Computer Engineering, Management, Education, Humanities, and law faculties. Now, 4397 students are studying in the school, and it is the highest number of students in Community school of Nepal. 185 teaching and 15 non-teaching staffs are working in this school.


School has true vision of inculcating a sound human formation, for the total development of the whole person, making the students, staff and parents well integrated person, spiritually, socially, intellectually, morally and culturally, helping them become aware of their own dignity and destiny, the responsibility for the right use of liberty, well equipped and ready to collaborate with others with in the building up of a just society and nation.


The vision of the school  is to prepare students for global participation by encouraging them to become responsible, reflective and empowered learners. It envision that their graduate leaves the school with:

  1. A balance of fundamental skills and a set of spiritual and moral values.
  2. Patience and respect for others.
  3. A strong self-esteem and high personal expectation.


Salient Features

  • Caring, loving and supportive educational environment
  • Incalculation of positive attitudes and respect for discipline
  • Experienced and qualified teachers
  • Student – oriented teaching methodologies
  • Additional coaching classes for the needy students
  • Resourceful library with a wide range of references
  • Well managed Montessori and Nursery classes
  • All types of lab (Science Lab, Maths Lab, Smart Lab, Computer Lab)

  • Established 2018 B.S
  • private Institution
  • 071-437392


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Shree Lilaram Neupane Madhyamik Vidhyalaya
  • Siddhartha Municipality, Rupandehi
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Apex School
  • Tilottama -5, Rupandehi, Butwal, Rupandehi
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Buddha Deep English Boarding Secondary School
  • Kanchan-5, Rudrapur, Kanchan, Rupandehi
KPM Education
KPM Education
  • PARSAHAWA, TILOTTAMA-16, Tillotama, Rupandehi