Hapur Secondary School

Ghorahi Sub-Metropolitan City, 12, Ghorahi, Dang


Hapur Secondary School is located in Nidhuwar, Dang . This secondary school is affiliated with National Examination Board (NEB) and offers plus two (10+2) programs. It got affiliation from CTEVT to run JTA - Plant Science in 2075 BS. 


Bal Bikash Secondary School Ghorahi
Bal Bikash Secondary School Ghorahi
  • Ghorahi, Ghorahi, DangApprox 9267600m away
Madan Bhandari Agriculture Technical School
Madan Bhandari Agriculture Technical School
  • Gulariya, Ghorahi, Ghorahi, DangApprox 9269100m away
Martyr Krishna Sen Ichhuk Polytechnic Institute
Martyr Krishna Sen Ichhuk Polytechnic Institute
  • Ghorai-17.Gairagaun, Ghorahi, DangApprox 9269200m away
Jaljala Technical School
Jaljala Technical School
  • Ghorahi, Ghorahi, DangApprox 9270000m away
Saraswati Secondary School Ghorahi
Saraswati Secondary School Ghorahi
  • Ghorahi, Ghorahi, DangApprox 9270300m away