Anant English School is a co-educational and private school located in Anant Chowk of Siddhipur, Mahalaxmi Municipality, in the district of Lalitpur. It is a secondary school affiliated with NEB Board and PABSON. The school was established in 2048 BS to impart life skills required for preparing students to be well-suited global citizens, transforming one’s life from dark into light.
The school was founded by Principal Gopal Prasad Ghimire, Mahanta Bahadur Maharjan, and other intellectuals in 1992. It celebrated its Silver Jubilee on March 4, 2017, as it completed 25 years with the slogan “25 years of Quality Education Service.” The school began its educational journey as a primary school with 75 students. At present, more than 500 students study here. 37 teaching and non-teaching staff are currently working with a common interest to boost the institution.
The school follows a curriculum prescribed by the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC). The primary languages of instruction are English and Nepali. The student population is divided into four houses: blue, Green, Red, and White. Each house has a House Teacher, House Captain, and House Vice-Captain.