Tribhuvan University Notice—April 05, 2014
Tribhuvan University’s executive council has decided to cut Rs 300 from the employees’ salary to get back the allowance they got last year. The allowance was …
Course Guidance—April 05, 2014
This is the complete list of Universities of USSR which are recognized by Nepal Engineering Council. Nepalese students who enroll in other universities of …
This is the complete list of Universities of America which are recognized by Nepal Engineering Council. Nepalese students who enroll in other universities in …
This is the complete list of Universities of United Kingdom (UK) which are recognized by Nepal Engineering Council. Nepalese students who enroll in other …
This is the complete list of Universities of Germany which are recognized by Nepal Engineering Council. Nepalese students who enroll in other universities in …
This is the complete list of Universities of Australia which are recognized by Nepal Engineering Council. Nepalese students who enroll in other universities …
This is the complete list of Universities of Japan which are recognized by Nepal Engineering Council. Nepalese students who enroll in other universities in …
Nepal Nursing Council is an autonomous body under Nepal Nursing Council Act 2052 formulated by the Government of Nepal. It aims at promoting quality nursing …
If you want to grow as an efficient employee in any sector, you must acquire good managerial or administrative skills. Offering in-depth knowledge on these …
In this blog post we are updating you about Universities in SAARC region which are recognized by Nepal Engineering council. To get license to work as Engineer …
Others—April 05, 2014
Do you know how many scholars have already obtained PhD degree from your discipline? If not, you will find answer about this query in this post. Nepal Academy …
Two years after the Supreme Court order, Tribhuvan University has finally decided to allow students to see their answer sheets after the publication of their …
Tribhuvan University (TU) offers a total of 36 courses in its Humanities and Social Sciences Stream. The university though has increased the number of …
From this session, TU, FOM has decided to run the BBS programme with 4 years . Before, this programme was only of three years. One of the main aims of …
Higher Education News—April 05, 2014
Dear Students, We are getting many queries for both the results of 10+2 Management, MBS Second year, MA Second year English, M.Ed second year, Bachelor third …
Government of Nepal has announced to celebrate First National Science day on Ashwin 1, 2070. The slogan of this National Science day is "Bigyan ra Prabidhi …
Vice-chancellors of three new universities of Nepal, i.e. the Mid-Western University (MWU), the Far-Western University (FWU) and the Agriculture and Forestry …
Loksewa—April 05, 2014
Public service commission (lok sewa aayog) Nepal, today published the model questions of Fourth paper of various subjects for section officer level. Lok sewa …
The Tribhuvan University is preparing to launch the semester system for its Masters programmes. It says the move is meant to transform the country’s largest …
In this blog post We have posted some of the selected model questions of General Awareness of Lok sewa Aayog (Public service commission) for those candidates, …
Latest School News—April 05, 2014
Teacher Service commission Nepal today (Mangsir 21) published the result of written examination of Teacher service commission of Central Development regions …
This is the sample model question of socio-economic condition published by Public service commission (lok sewa aayog) for Non-gazetted first class officer …
Abroad Study—April 05, 2014
Some of the international students who contribute £8bn a year to the UK economy are the well-heeled sons and daughters of elite families. But not all conform …
Mid Western University is set to grant affiliation to science colleges operating in the Mid-Western Region as per the need with the completion of a year of …
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