Others—April 05, 2014
After finishing her Bachelor’s in English and Sociology, Anu Dahal, 20, will soon be sitting for an entrance examination to get admission to one of the …
"Unemployment", the mostly talked and used word in Nepal, is the bitter word for every youth who are entering in the job market every day. Seems as if the …
Higher Education News—April 05, 2014
Tribhuvan University Executive Council (TUEC) has named Dr R K Srivastav as the new Dean of the Institute of Medicine (IoM) today. The TUEC proposed Dr …
Course Guidance—April 05, 2014
Bachelor’s in Business Studies (BBS) is an undergraduate programme that prepares students to become competent managers of any organisation in any sector. …
School Leaving Certificate graduates had no option other than joining the Proficiency Certificate Level course under Tribhuvan University (TU) until few …
Chitra lekha yadav; former Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and a leader of the Nepali Congress is appointed as a Education Minister …
In university level, you might have several experiences of getting low marks despite doing well in exam. Unlike other universities in Nepal, Tribhuvan …
The best way to do well in exams is to make sure you are well prepared and have done your revision. But below are a few tips that will assist you in tackling …
The development of any country depends very much on the quality of its education process and system. Education is the foundational norm for society as a …
SEE Exam and Result—April 05, 2014
The Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE), Sanothimi, on Monday afternoon published the results of School Leaving Certificate (SLC) exams for the …
NEB Notices—April 05, 2014
The Higher Secondary Schools from now on cannot charge arbitrary fees from students for character certificate and admission form. The Higher Secondary …
School/College Activities—April 05, 2014
Students of Nepal Ayurveda Medical College in Birgunj have been suffering due to lack of proper infrastructure of the college. Nepal Ayurveda Medical college …
Tribhuvan University Notice—April 05, 2014
Researchers who are seeking an affiliation with TU are advised to correspond with Centre for International Relations (CIR), Tribhuvan University (TU), for …
Plan and Policies—April 05, 2014
This is the excerpt regarding education program and policies from Policies and Programs of Government of Nepal for the Fiscal Year 2011/12. This was presented …
This is the excerpt regarding education program and policies of government of Nepal. It was taken from official document of government of Nepal Policies and …
Corruption in Education—April 05, 2014
Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) on Sunday directed the Prime Ministers´ Office to suspend vice chancellor (VC) and registrar of …
The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has directed to suspend two Deans of the Purbanchal University on Wednesday. CIAA directed …
Latest School News—April 05, 2014
30 schools from different districts of Nepal submitted Social Action Project proposals with the intention to put their ideas into action for the betterment of …
In this blog post, edusanjal is carrying some of the major rule and regulation that the students of higher secondary school (grade 11 and grade 12) must …
Abroad Study—April 05, 2014
How has one industrialized country created one of the world's most successful education systems in a way that is completely hostile to testing? That's …
I think such preparation classes are a waste of time and money. Children will study everything later on, then why are they compelled to study things which are …
There are two education systems functioning in the country, one private, the other public. Majorly of the private schools exist in the urban areas whereas …
In a recent conversation on world-class universities, an international expert evaluating Nepal’s school reform programme inquired about the ranking of …
One is the UN under-secretary general for humanitarian affairs with responsibility for overseeing emergency relief in disaster-hit areas, the other is a …
Showing 2569 to 2592 of 2631 results