The Bsc in Computer Science and Information Technology (Bsc CSIT) program of Mid-West University is a 4 year program divided into 8 semesters.
BSc Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc.CSIT) is a four-year course of Mid-Western University designed to provide the student with all sorts of knowledge in the field of Information Technology and Computing.
The program involves, in addition to conventional lectures, a great deal of practical and project works. The program develops the underlying principles of both Computer Science and Information Technology and shows how these principles can be applied to real-world problems. This program develops the skills that are essential for both computer professionals and IT specialists.
The design and implementation of B.Sc. CSIT course offers new challenges when compared to the traditional computing environment. The recent emergence of global business, new technologies for data processing and data communication/networking environment, equip specialized science graduates to focus on professional careers in Information Technology.
The B.Sc.CSIT program provides the students with adequate theoretical and practical knowledge which will enable students to effectively participate in solving the complex problem of the IT industry.
Salient Features
The Credit System
Each course is assigned a certain number of credits depending generally upon its lecture, tutorial and practical work hours in a week. In theory subjects, one lecture per week is assigned one credit as a general rule.
Academic Schedule
The academic session of the University consists of two semesters per year. The Fall semester starts in September. For the Bachelor's program in science and technology, student admission may commence in the Fall semester, approved by the University. Mid-West University publishes its yearly academic calendar. The campus is required to follow the calendar.
Student Evaluation
The students' academic performance during a semester is evaluated using the system of continuous assessment (evaluation of sessional work plus the final examination). The campus and the University conduct the sessional works and the final examinations, respectively.
Each course shall have sessional marks of 40% evaluated by the assigned teacher. Generally, each course will have a written semester examination of 60% marks at the end of each semester. In the Practical courses, no final examination will be
conducted and the sessional marks shall be awarded on the basis of continual assessment. Normally, final examinations are not conducted in elective courses and in courses which are offered as intensive courses conducted by reputed international scholars.
To pass in a subject, a student must obtain a minimum of D- grade in that subject in sessional work and the final examination, separately.
Grading System
The grade (marks) awarded to a student in a course is based on his/her consolidated performance in Internal and final examinations. The letter grade in any particular subject is an indication of a student's relative performance in that course. The pattern of grading is as follows:
Grade | A | A- | B | B- | C | C- | D | D- | F |
Grade Point | 4.00 | 3.67 | 3.33 | 3.00 | 2.50 | 2.00 | 1.50 | 1.00 | 0.00 |
The performance of a student in a semester shall be evaluated in terms of the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) which is the grade point average for the semester. The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is the grade point average for all completed semesters.
SGPA = total honor points earned in a semester / total number of credits registered in a semester
CGPA = total honor points earned / total number of credits completed
Attendance Requirement
The students must attend every lecture, tutorial and practical classes. However, to accommodate for sickness and other contingencies, the attendance requirement shall be a minimum of 80% of the classes actually held. If a student fails to attend 80% of the classes in any particular subject, he/she shall not be allowed to take the final examination in that subject. If a student is continuously absent from the campus for more than four weeks without notifying the chief, his/her name will be removed from the campus roll.
Normal and Maximum Duration of Stay at the Campus
The normal duration for completing the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology program at the university will be four years. The maximum duration for the completion of the requirements shall be the normal duration plus three years.
Course Registration
The academic record of a student is maintained in terms of the courses for which he/she registers in any semester, and the grades he/she obtains in those courses. Registration for courses is done at the beginning of each semester. Since registration is a very important procedural part of the credit system, it is absolutely essential that all students present themselves at the campus. In case of illness or any exceptional circumstance during the registration period, he/she must inform the campus chief.
Transfer of Credit Hours
A maximum of 15 credit hours of course work completed in an equivalent program of a recognized institution may be transferred for credit. For transfer of credit, a student must have received a grade of B or better in the respective course. Courses taken earlier than five years from the time of transfer may not be accepted for transfer of credit.
The concerned Subject Committee of the University will make an evaluation of the applicant for transfer of credit. The awarding of transferred credit will be based on the applicant's score in the Campus or University, which he/she attended previously.
Course Coding for BSc CSIT
Each course is identified by three letters followed by a three-digit number. The three letters indicate the subject area (e.g., COM for computer, PHY for physics, etc). The first digit of each number indicates the level or academic year the course is normally taken (1 for first year, 2 for second year, 3 for third year and so on). The second and the third digits indicate departmental sequence, and the fourth digit, which is preceded by a decimal, indicates the number of semester hour credit awarded for the course (e.g., COM411 is a four year and first semesterand course serial).
In the course description, figures in parenthesis following the course number, for example,(3-2-0), indicate the hours per week devoted to lecture, tutorial, and practical, respectively.
Elective Courses
The curriculum is oriented to have intensive study in the field of interest with course registration flexibility at least for two courses. But in future, course registration flexibility shall be increased to more number of courses.
Award of Degree
MU awards Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology degree upon completion of all requirements as prescribed in the curriculum. MU awards grades as explained in the curriculum on the basis of individual student's relative performance. The minimum credit hours needed for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology degree is 120.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for the degree shall be awarded upon completion of all requirements.
Scrutinizing of Final Examination Paper
Students may apply for re-totaling of their grades as per University rule, upon payment of prescribed fee.
Final Examination
MU conducts final examination at the end of each semester. The procedure of final examination conduction will be as per the examination rules of the Mid West University.
Intermediate in Science (ISc), or Higher Secondary level (10+2) or Diploma in Engineering or Architecture or equivalent from a recognized institution with at least second division marks at their Intermediate level. Besides the basic academic requirement, an entrance examination will be held for all Nepalese applicants.
Admission Criteria
The entrance test application form and the information brochure shall be provided on request at the Registrar's Office (MU) or at the concerned campus. The concerned campus scrutinizes the applications. The eligible candidates fare informed to appear in the entrance test. The exact date for the entrance test is communicated to the applicants by the campus. The candidates shall be admitted on merit basis. The subjects and weightage for each subject of the Entrance test will be
Physics: 20%; English: 20%; Mathematics: 40% and Chemistry: 20%.
The campus may also hold interviews for the candidates before their final selection for admission. Eligible foreign national students may be admitted against limited seats on the basis of an interview to be conducted by the campus.
The candidates, who are given provisional admission pending submission of the qualifying certificates, are required to submit all necessary documents within a week of the beginning of regular classes. Otherwise, the admission will be cancelled.
Curricular Structure
First Semester
Course Description |
Course Code |
Credit Hour |
Fundamentals of Computer | COM411 | 3 |
Programming in C | COM412 | 3 |
Physics | COM413 | 3 |
Mathematics I | COM414 | 3 |
Digital Logic | COM415 | 3 |
Second Semester
Course Description |
Course Code |
Credit Hour |
Discrete Structure | COM421 | 3 |
Microprocessor and Assembly Language | COM422 | 3 |
Object Oriented Programming | COM423 | 3 |
Statistics | COM424 | 3 |
Mathemetics II | COM425 | 3 |
Third Semester
Course Description |
Course Code |
Credit Hour |
Data Structure and Algorithm | COM431 | 3 |
Computer Organization and Architecture | COM432 | 3 |
Numerical Methods | COM433 | 3 |
Principles of Management | COM434 | 3 |
Computer Networks | COM435 | 3 |
Fourth Semester
Course Description |
Course Code |
Credit Hour |
Operating Systems | COM441 | 3 |
Database Management System | COM442 | 3 |
Technical Writing | COM443 | 3 |
Computer Graphics | COM444 | 3 |
Theory of Computation | COM445 | 3 |
Fifth Semester
Course Description |
Course Code |
Credit Hour |
Artificial Intelligence | COM451 | 3 |
Systems Analysis and Design | COM452 | 3 |
Design and Analysis of Algorithms | COM453 | 3 |
Compiler Design | COM454 | 3 |
Elective (Anyone) | ||
Management Information System | COM455A | 3 |
Neutral Network | COM455B | 3 |
Sixth Semester
Course Description |
Course Code |
Credit Hour |
Simulation and Modeling | COM461 | 3 |
Software Engineering | COM462 | 3 |
Web Technology | COM463 | 3 |
Cryptography | COM464 | 3 |
Elective (Anyone) | ||
Information Retrieval | COM465A | 3 |
Database Administration | COM465B | 3 |
Seventh Semester
Course Description |
Course Code |
Credit Hour |
Advanced Java | COM471 | 3 |
Real Time Systems | COM472 | 3 |
Data Warehousing and Data Mining | COM473 | 3 |
Project Work | COM474 | 3 |
Elective (Anyone) | ||
Software Project Management | COM475A | 3 |
Network Security | COM475B | 3 |
System Administration | COM476C | 3 |
Eighth Semester
Course Description |
Course Code |
Credit Hour |
Image Processing | COM481 | 3 |
Cloud Computing | COM482 | 3 |
Internship | COM483 | 6 |
Eective (Anyone) | ||
Geographical Information System | COM484A | 3 |
Mobile Application Development | COM484B | 3 |
E-governance | COM484C | 3 |
Bio-Informatics | COM484D | 3 |