School of Medicine | Patan Academy of Health Sciences

School of Medicine | Patan Academy of Health Sciences

Lagankhel, Lalitpur


Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS) is an autonomous, not-for-profit, public institution of higher education established in 2064 B.S. (2008 A.D.) with the charter granted by the Parliament of Nepal. PAHS aims to work in close partnership with the national health system to improve the health care services in the remote/rural areas primarily through producing technically competent and socially responsible health care workers.

In order to achieve this goal, PAHS School of Medicine has adopted innovative strategies in medical education, especially in areas such as student selection, curriculum, teaching-learning methodology, student assessment and faculty recruitment. PAHS MBBS curriculum focuses on holistic care of individual and community. Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS) offeres different programs in medicine namely Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)MD in General Practice and Emergency Medicine (MDGP)MD in Internal MedicineMD in Obstetrics GynaecologyMD in PediatricsMD in PsychiatryMD in Radiology and ImagingMS in General surgeryMS in Orthopedics, and MS in Otorhinolaryngology (ENT).

For inspiring its graduates to serve in remote/rural areas of Nepal, PAHS has adopted a multi -pronged approach which includes preferential enrollment of students of rural origin, training them in a value based curriculum with emphasis on community health sciences and exposing them to rural health care institutions. It also aims to provide continuous support to the graduates while working in the rural areas. By helping them to acquire required competencies and instilling values of social responsibility in its graduates, PAHS intends to inspire/motivate and enable its graduates to become health care providers in the challenging settings of rural Nepal, as well as to become future leaders of Nepal‟s health care system.

Patan Hospital, the 450 bedded tertiary care institution, upon which the PAHS is founded, provides natural ambiance for learning holistic and compassionate care. Its history of more than 25 years (more than 50 years if one takes into account its mother institution of Shanta Bhawan) provides the basis for this.

PAHS has already built a rich network with prestigious academic institutions and leaders in many universities around the world so as to learn and benefit from the national as well as international experiences and best practices for the proper development, effective implementation and the continuous improvement of the quality of its academic programs.

Salient Features

PAHS Mission Statement

Teaching-learning methods applied at PAHS School of Medicine are as follows:

  1. Problem Based Learning (PBL)
  2. Community Based Learning and Education (Residential Community Posting)
  3. Lectures/ Seminar
  4. Lab works / Practical Classes / Demonstrations
  5. Clinical Presentation
  6. Clinical Classes  Small Group Sessions
  7. Practical Skills Teachings
  8. Self-Directed Learning

Among these methods, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Clinical Presentation Curriculum (CPC) with small group sessions, as well as Community Based Learning and Education (CBLE) are the principal teaching learning methods adopted for PAHS MBBS program.


There is four types of seats in the PAHS MBBS Program: Full Scholarship (tuition fee -waived), Partial Scholarship, Collaborative Scholarship and Full Fee Paying. There is a provision

of Reservation as stipulated in the PAHS Act. Besides a seat has been reserved for a child of Faculty and staff of PAHS including Patan Hospital .

Reservation : Ten percent of Full fee paying/ Partial scholarship seats have been reserved for those who have lived in „village‟ and have studied in „public‟ school and fall under the category of Female, Dalit, Adhivasi/Janajati, Madhesi or residing permanently in the backward region.

Applicants who belong to the above mentioned category and are also “economically marginalized” and wish to avail full scholarship should apply in Full Scholarship category only as provision has been made for preference in selection for the same.

Mandatory service obligation: two years in government or PAHS designated institutions for those who are in partial scholarship scheme

Full Scholarship Category: Only those applicants who are “economically marginalized” and have studied in public school (grade 8, 9, 10) can apply for these seats. Further preference will be given to applicants who

  • fall under the category of Female, Dalit, Adhivasi/Janajati, Madhesi;
  • is the resident of the remote region;
  • have done Certificate Health Sciences and have worked in Government Health institutions of remote regions for at least 2 years

Mandatory service obligation: four years in government or PAHS designated institutions

Partial Scholarship Category: Anyone who meets the eligibility criteria can apply in this category but preference in selection will be given to applicants who

  • have done their schooling (grade 8, 9, 10) from „public‟ school;
  • fall under the category of Female, Dalit, Adhivasi/Janajati, Madhesi;
  • is the resident of the remote region;
  • have done Certificate in Health Sciences and have worked in government institutions of remote regions for at least 2 years;

Mandatory service obligation: two years in government or PAHS designated institutions

Collaborative Scholarship Scheme: This scheme will be activated only when an agreement isreached with a Local Government Body, an organization or an individual to the effect that such Body, an organization or an individual will support student/s from a particular district, preferably remote.

The Local Government Body can nominate candidates from that particular district among which competition will take place. In the absence of nomination by the Local Government Body, all the applicants applying in full scholarship from that particular district will compete in this seat and selection will be done according to the criteria set by PAHS. The candidate will have to meet the minimal standard set by PAHS, failing which the seat will not be awarded to that particular district. The information that such a seat is available can be obtained from the office of Local Government Body.

Mandatory service obligation: at least four years (may be more depending on condition led down by the Sponsor) in Sponsor/ PAHS/ Government designated institutions

Staff Scholarship Quota: Applicant must be son/daughter of currently working Faculty and Staff of PAHS including PH.

Mandatory service obligation: four years in government or PAHS designated area

Full Fee Paying Category: Anyone who meets the eligibility criteria can apply in this category.Mandatory service obligation: Students in this category are also encouraged to serve in the rural areas

OFFERED PROGRAMS - Patan Academy of Health Sciences

Fee: NPR 2,381,760
Fee: NPR 2,381,760
Fee: NPR 2,381,760
MBBS 65 Seats
Fee: NPR 4,168,090
Fee: NPR 2,381,760
Fee: NPR 2,381,760
Fee: NPR 2,381,760
Fee: NPR 2,381,760
Fee: NPR 2,381,760
Fee: NPR 2,381,760
Fee: NPR 2,381,760
Fee: NPR 2,381,760