MS in Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

MS in Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

3 years
Fee (Tentative)NPR 2,381,760

Entrance Exams

Colleges offering MS in Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) under Patan Academy of Health Sciences

MS in Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) program is a 3 years program being offered at Patan Academy of Health Sciences.


  • MBBS or equivalent from institutions recognized by the government of Nepal.
  • Registered in Nepal Medical Council.
  • Registered in the respective medical council of the applicant's own country for foreign candidates.
  • One year experience (Except for MDGP and MD/MS in Basic Medical Sciences excluded).
  • Candidates should score a minimum of 50% (Pass marks) in the Entrance Examination conducted by Medical Education Commission for being eligible to be on the merit list.

Exam format

  • Single best response type with Multiple Choice Questions.
  • Four options (A,B,C,D).
  • No. of questions: 200
  • Recall: Understanding: Application: 30:50:20
  • Duration: 3 hours including one-time voluntary toilet break (To be allowed only after an hour).


S.No. Subjects Marks
1 Medicine 18
2 Surgery 18
3 Obstetrics and Gynecology 12
4 Pediatrics 12
5 Orthopedics 10
6 Otorhinolaryngology 10
7 Opthalmology 7
8 Anaesthesiology 7
9 Psychiatry 7
10 Radiology 7
11 Dermatology 7
Sub-Total   115
Basic Medical Sciences
12 Anatomy 12
13 Physiology 12
14 Pathology 10
15 Pharmacology 10
16 Biochemistry 8
17 Microbiology 8
Sub-Total   60
18 Community Medicine + Research Methodology (6+4) 10
19 Forensic Medicine 5
20 Questions related to mandatory CPD (Medical ethics, rational use of drugs, infection prevention, BLS/ACLS, communication skills) 10
Total   200

Admission Criteria

Student Selection Process

Entrance Exam:

The selection process employs written test consisting of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs).

MCQs: There will be MCQs based on the undergraduate medical curriculum and this test aims at assessing the candidate’s core medical knowledge.

SJTs: Situational Judgment Tests are Aptitude tests used to assess individual’s reaction to a number of hypothetical scenarios. The content of SJTs reflects the work, education or training related situations. The test has been shown to predict performances across a range of medical professionals and medical student admission. It has added value (incremental validity) over other selection methods.

Result Processing:

The applicants should obtain minimum of 50% score in both Paper I (MCQ) and Paper II (SJT) separately, to pass the entrance examination. Preferential marks will be given to candidates working in the Government Health system. Based on the scores of the written exam and the additional preferential scores (as per number of years worked and Human Development Index-HDI of work place), a merit list (Master List) will be prepared. Also a separate list of successful candidates under reservation category will be prepared.

The result will be prepared based on the total scores. The result processing will be as follows:

I. A merit list, of all the applicants who have passed, will be prepared (Master list).

II. Candidates for the 90% of the total seat will be selected from this Merit list. III. For the remaining 10% (Reservation) seats, the highest ranking candidates from the list of applicants under reservation category, excluding the candidates who have

already been selected as above (Refer to II), will be selected.

IV. The list of successful candidates combining II and III, equal to the number of total seats, will be prepared.

If none of the applicants in the reserved category meet the minimal standard set by PAHS in the entrance exam or if there is no eligible applicant from this category, such seat will go to the best candidate among the open/general category.


In the event that there is a tie in the total score, the aggregate percentage in the MBBS or equivalent will be taken as a deciding factor. In case of second tie, the MCQ score in entrance test and in case of third tie, SJT score in entrance test will be taken respectively as the deciding factors.

Counseling and Subject allocation

The qualified candidates will be called for open house counseling followed by individual counseling. Seats in different subjects will be allocated based on the preference of the students in the list, in the order of merit.

The first list will include top ranking candidates equal to the number of seats, which will be inclusive of 10% candidates from reservation category.

If any seats remain vacant, during the process of counseling and seat allocation, the seats will be allotted to the remaining applicants on merit basis. If the reservation seats remain vacant, the candidate from the reservation category will be called based on the merit list. In case the seats in open category remain vacant, the candidate from the Master list will be called.

The candidates must be physically present at the time of counseling.

Admission Process

The successful applicants will have to complete the admission process within the officially announced time frame. Failure to do so will automatically lead to cancellation of the seat for the candidate.

Subsequent Counseling

If there are any seats which have not been filled at the end of the date announced, applicants will be called for subsequent counseling according to the merit. For any vacant seat, 1:10 candidates will be called for counseling, based on the merit.

The decision of the Admission Committee will be final.

At the time of admission, the selected candidates must bring the original copies of the following documents and failure to do so will result in cancellation of admission process.

• Citizenship certificate

• Mark Sheet of SLC/SEE or equivalent

• Mark Sheet/ Transcript of 10+ 2 or equivalent

• Transcript and Certificate of MBBS or equivalent

• Internship completion Certificate

• Migration Certificate

• Nepal Medical Council Registration Certificate (Temporary/Permanent)

• Certificate of work experience (post Internship)

• Leave approval letter from Ministry of Health for permanent Government employee

• No objection letter from currently working institute

• For candidates under reservation category, the original copies of submitted additional mandatory documents

Fee Structure

Candidates selected for admission into the MD/MS program at PAHS do not have to pay the Tuition fee. They are required to pay the following fees (Table 1) within the given timeframe. Students and their guardians are requested to deposit all the fees within the given timeframe. There will be a late fee charge of Rs. 150/day if the dues are not cleared within the given timeframe.

Fees to be paid by the selected candidates

Registration Fee

Rs. 40,000 (one time)

Nepal Medical Council Fee

Rs. 5,000 (one time)

Thesis Evaluation

Rs. 30,000

(one time)

Deposit (refundable)

Rs. 20,000

(one time)

Library Fee

Rs. 10,000

(per annum)

Examination Fee

Rs. 30,000 (per annum)

Examination Fee for Supplementary


Exam (in case of failure)

Rs. 20,000

(per attempt)

Health Insurance Fee

Rs. 3,000 (per annum)