Uttarpani Technical School

Uttarpani Technical School

Uttarpani 1, Dhankuta


Uttarpani Technical School (UTS) is located in Uttarpani, Dhankuta. It was established in 1980 as a rural technical school. The first batches of TSLC trainees, however, were enrolled in 1984. The physical infrastructure of school was developed through the joint co-operation of HMG/N and Overseas Development Agency (ODA).

Now we have also started 15 months TSLC training in Livestock and Agriculture on private basis. We have also started one year training for TSLC graduates since 1992 in livestock called JT program. In addition, UTS is also providing community service and short course training in the field of agriculture and livestock.

The technical and administrative staffs are being trained in TITI to upgrade their knowledge and skills for better training delivery and managerial performance.


UTS will be an excellent agriculture training center in Nepal.


Uttarpani Technical School will produce basic and middle level workforce through quality & demand driven training to school dropouts and SLC/TSLC graduates.


  • Ensure quality training and promote entrepreneurship and self employment opportunities.
  • Maintain maximum participation of target population.
  • Increase income generating activities for sustainability.
  • Ensure the involvement of line agencies in technical education.

  • Established 1980 A.D.
  • public Institution
  • 026-540230
  • uttim@yahoo.com


Sriman Tanka Secondary School
Sriman Tanka Secondary School
  • Virgaun, DhankutaApprox 2000m away