Sunlight Modern English School

Lamahi-11, Lamahi, Dang


 Sunlight Modern English School Established in the year 2053 Chailahi -2, Lamahi, along with the motto of addressing the academic necessities and demands of entire Deukhuri including the expectations of neighbouring districts and zones, Sunlight Modern Higher Secondary School, is undoubtedly pioneer institution. The school that has been concretized with the collective effort of the native intellects, academicians, educationalists and education lovers is functioning from pre-primary to +2.

The mile stone of Deukhuri Valley, Sunlight Modern Higher Secondary School is progressing considerably since the year of establishment. Being expanded in Lower-Secondary Level, Secondary Level and Higher Secondary Level in the years 2060, 2061 and 2065 respectively the school is offering two streams; Management and Science in +2. S.M.H.S.S, which possesses all the necessary physical as well as academic facilities, deserves the potentiality to generate productive person power to compete with the global challenges.

Salient Features

Silent Feature Of School

  • Qualified and Dynamic Teachers for Quality Education
  • Peaceful and Favourable Environment
  • Successful and Long History
  • Multi Faculties
  • Affordable Fee
  • Maximum Use of Multi Media
  • Child Friendly Teaching Techniques
  • Well Equipped Science Laboratories for Experiment

  • private Institution
  • 082-540201, 082-540747


Gorkha Model Secondary School
Gorkha Model Secondary School
  • Lamahi-11, Lamahi, DangApprox 600m away
Rosy Buds Bal Batika Secondary School
Rosy Buds Bal Batika Secondary School
  • Lamahi, DangApprox 1500m away
Janata Secondary School Gadhwaha Dang
Janata Secondary School Gadhwaha Dang
  • Gadhwaha, DangApprox 4300m away
Buddha Jyoti Secondary School
Buddha Jyoti Secondary School
  • Gadhawa, DangApprox 7700m away