Seti Technical School

Seti Technical School

Jogidabra 7, Dipayal Silgadi, Dipayal Silgadi, Doti

Seti Technical School is the only public Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institute operating under CTEVT in Far Western Development Region. It is situated at Dipayal Silgadhi Municipality ward no. 8 Jogidabre of Doti district. 


Seti Technical School is located in Jogidabra 7, Dipayal Silgadi Doti. It is a constituent college of CTEVT. 

The objective of this school is to produce basic and middle-level manpower in the area of agriculture (JTA), Health (ANM), and construction (sub overseer) and serve the community by providing short-term community-based training.

Seti Technical School was established in 1990 to provide opportunities to the people of far western development region to train in technical education and vocational training so that they can improve their standard of living as well as contribute to regional development.

In order to ensure easy accessibility for people from remote areas, the school has allocated some quotas for the hill districts of the region. The school has been offering TEVT agriculture, health and civil engineering right from its established.


Establishing a excellent training institute that will make a significant contribution to the country’s real need for producing mid level technical manpower. STS will be recognized as an excellent TVET provider in Nepal. 


Promote economic growth in Nepal by offering TSLC and diploma level programs along withMOST skill trainings and producing quality workforce in TVET


  • Ensure GESI in all programs and services
  • Improve quality of Infrastructure for delivering programs and services
  • Ensure Institutional Sustainability through quality improvement and income generation
  • Enhance marketing, networking and community development programs 


  • Conduct TSLC and diploma level technical education programs in agriculture, construction,
  • and health sector.
  • Strengthen TVET institutions of Far Western Development Regions in view of making them
  • center for technological competence accumulation and transfer based on local needs and
  • capabilities
  • Improve the quality of TVET (formal and non-formal) at basic and middle levels and make it
  • responsive to the needs of the labor market
  • Ensure equal access and participation of women and people with special needs to TVET.
  • Strengthen the culture of self-employment and support job-creation in the economy.
  • Coordinate with the community, employers and civil society for meeting the objectives of the
  • TVET programs.
  • Satisfy training needs of NGOs, INGO'S, GO'S and local community.
  • Assure on the enough supply of technical human resources in the various areas of farWestern Development Region by reserving admission seats to the target districts.
  • Encourage poor, DAG, women and underprivileged of development of the nation

  • Established 1990 A.D.
  • public School
  • 977-94-412176, 094-412027


Soojung English Boarding Model Secondary School
Soojung English Boarding Model Secondary School
  • Silgadhi-7, Rajpur, Silgadhi, DotiApprox 700m away
Soojung Health and Technical Academy
Soojung Health and Technical Academy
  • Rajpur, Dipayal Silgadhi, Dipayal Silgadi, DotiApprox 900m away
Shree Kumalikot Madhyamik Vidhyalaya
Shree Kumalikot Madhyamik Vidhyalaya
  • Dipayal, SIlgadhi, DotiApprox 14700m away
Padma Public Secondary School
Padma Public Secondary School
  • Silgadhi, Doti, Silgadhi, DotiApprox 14700m away