Mahendra Secondary School Achham

Sanphebagar Municipality, 08, Sanphebagar, Achham



Mahendra Secondary School Achham is located in Sanphebagar Municipality, 08 . This secondary school is affiliated with National Examination Board ( NEB) and offers plus two (10+2) programs. It also got affiliation to run TSLC in Civil Engineering under CTEVT in 2075 BS. 


Basundhara Secondary School
Basundhara Secondary School
  • Turmakhand Rural Municipality, 03, Turmakhand, Achham
Jalpa Devi Secondary School  Kamalbazar
Jalpa Devi Secondary School Kamalbazar
  • Dhaku, Kamalbazar, Kamalbazar, Achham
Kunti Secondary School
Kunti Secondary School
  • Kuntiwadali, Mangalsen, Achham
Durga Devi Secondary School
Durga Devi Secondary School
  • 07 Nandegada, Mellekh, Achham