Lokpriya Secondary School

Gamtha, Khatyad, Mugu



Lokpriya Secondary School is located in Gamtha, Mugu . This secondary school is affiliated with National Examination Board (NEB) and offers plus two (10+2) programs.

Lokpriya secondary school also offers Plant JTA (PJTA) program with affiliation from CTEVT.

VisionTo develop agriculture training centre.

MissionTo produce efficient plant science JTA

Goal/ Objectives

• To Change trainees’ knowledge, skill and attitude.• To be self employment and self dependent.• To reduce the problem of unemployment.


Guru Secondary School
Guru Secondary School
  • Bihi, Soru, Mugu
Shree Karnali Madhyamik Vidhyalalya
Shree Karnali Madhyamik Vidhyalalya
  • Chayanath Rara Municipality, Chhayanath Rara, Mugu