Gaindakot English School

Gaindakot English School

Gaindakot, Nawalpur, Gaindakot, Nawalpur



Gaindakot English School (GES) was established in 2006 A.D. (2062 B.S.) with the view of offering quality education to students of all levels from Pre-Nursery to Class 10. Located in Gaindakot, the mid part of Nepal, where we have a cosmopolitan population with people migrated from various parts of the country, GES gives students studying with us the opportunity to study and gain valuable knowledge embedded with various skills for life.

At Gaindakot English School (GES), we seek to create a safe, caring and nurturing environment both conducive and challenging for our students that encourage creativity and critical thinking through appropriate instruction. Our educational approaches cater for children with individual differences and learning styles.