Student Enrollment Disparity in Civil and Mechanical Engineering

December 17, 2023
Student Enrollment Disparity in Civil and Mechanical Engineering
A-Levels 2025

In the realm of undergraduate engineering studies, there is a discernible difference in student enrollment between various disciplines. Notably, interest in mechanical and geometric subjects is lower compared to civil, computer, and electronics engineering. At Pulchowk Campus, only one slot remains for admission in Civil Engineering out of the 108 available, which offers a full scholarship to successful entrance exam candidates.

Conversely, in Mechanical Engineering, two out of 24 seats at Pulchowk Campus and 18 out of 36 seats at Thapathali Campus remain vacant. Similarly, there are 13 unfilled seats out of 36 in Geometrics Engineering at Paschimanchal Campus.

Prof. Dr. Sushil Bahadur Bajracharya shared information about the eligibility of 4,344 students for bachelor-level engineering studies across 15 public and private colleges. While there is an increase in student applications for engineering subjects compared to last year, there has been a rise in absenteeism during entrance exams.

Despite ongoing admissions, Assistant Dean Prof. Dr. Bajracharya cautioned against prematurely concluding a decrease in student numbers, especially since only the third admissions list has been published. He emphasized that some subjects and campuses may be less attractive to students, and a comprehensive analysis should not be rushed.

The admission process is scheduled until the 22nd of Poush, with regular classes commencing from Magh 2. Prof. Dr. Bajracharya mentioned that while the percentage of admitted students dropped from 66 percent to 64 percent compared to last year, it is too early to draw definitive conclusions.

Rajib Timilsina, head of administration at Kantipur City College (KCC), affiliated with Purbanchal University, noted a continuous decrease in student enrollment in the last two years, possibly due to colleges operating at the state level and students avoiding the hassle of entrance exams.

Prof. Dr. Bajracharya, chairman of the entrance examination board, explained the postponement of the entrance exam date for the academic year 2080/81 due to student protests against fee increases. Despite initial scheduling conflicts, the exam eventually took place on Kartik 14, with 9,400 out of 10,000 applicants participating.

In summary, the dynamics of student enrollment in engineering disciplines are complex and influenced by various factors, and a comprehensive analysis is essential before drawing definitive conclusions.
