Entrance Exams
Colleges offering MSc Physics under Tribhuvan University
How does the universe work? What are atoms made of?
While the first question is about the biggest things, the second asks about the unimaginably small. Yet both questions fall under the scope of physics.
Physics majors seek to understand the laws that govern the universe. From massive stars trillions of miles away to the subatomic particles within our bodies, physics takes on matter and energy in all its forms. Physics is the scientific study of matter and energy. Topics include classical and modern theories, electricity and magnetism, and relativity.
Master level physics syllabus has been upgraded and updated as per four years B.Sc. physics.
The new courses have been designed keeping in view recent developments in Physics. The availability of additional specialties in new areas and upgraded course quality will meet prospective students' requirements. Various elective courses are incorporated into the syllabus, and some old courses are thoroughly revised.
The courses are designed with the following objectives:
- To give students up-to-date knowledge of recent trends in physics.
- To impart skills to the students in theoretical, experimental, and applied physics.
- To develop manpower in teaching physics at the tertiary level and to conduct research in physics.
- To produce high-level research manpower in physics.
Salient Features
The evaluation mode is 40% internal and 60% final examinations.
- Internal Examination: The in-semester (internal) examination shall have a total weight of 40% in each course. Students have to obtain 50% to pass the internal exam. The breakdown of in-semester exam will be as follows: Class Attendance: 5%, Home Work + VIVA Examination: 10%, Mid-Term Test: 10% (60 minute exam / scheduled in the calendar) and Final-Term Test: 15% (90 minutes exam / scheduled in the calendar). Evaluation will be based on GPA system. Concerned faculties will provide grades to the students. In case a student remains absent in the internal examination due to serious illness will given one-time opportunity to appear in the exam if he/she is able to produce authorize medical certificate.
- Final Examination: Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University will conduct final examinations. The students will have to pass each course at each level separately. The final examination in each course will be a written examination carrying 60 full mark (this will be reduced to 30 later) and of 3 hours duration. In case percentage of marks obtained by the students in the internal exam exceeds the end-semester (final) examination marks by 20 or more, the marks obtained in the internal examination will be reduced to 80%. The six hours final practical examination should be held according as semester calendar. Students are required to give one practical examination.
Grade & Grade Point Average (GPA):
- Total marks obtained in internal (40%) and end-semester (60%) exams shall be graded on absolute bases. The performance of a student shall be made on a four point scheme ranging from 0 to 4 grades. Students shall receive their semester grades and academic transcript grades only in letter grades and GPA scores. The percentage equivalent of the grade and GPA is as follows:
- A student must secure a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.7 or Grade B minus (B-) in each course. Student securing only 2.7 in grade point are considered as “pass in individual subject”.
- Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is the grade point average of the semester, is calculated as
- Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) which is the grade point average of all semester, is calculated as
Grade |
%equivalent |
Performance |
A |
4.0 |
90 and above |
Distinction |
A- |
3.7 |
80-89.9 |
Very good |
B+ |
3.3 |
70-79.9 |
First Division |
B |
3.0 |
60-69.9 |
Second Division |
B- |
2.7 |
50-59.9 |
Pass |
F |
0.0 |
Below 50 |
fail |
5) In order to pass the semester examination the student must secure a minimum of grade “B” or Cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0.
6) A student who scores CGPA less than 3 may request for the opportunity to improve the grade in two subjects. The office of the Dean will provide one time opportunity to appear in end-semester exam. The exam of the courses to improve grade shall be held as per the course cycle.
7) Students failing in not more than 2 subjects (courses or credits) in first, second and third semester exams shall appear in make-up exams in the following cycle of exams.
8) Students failing in two subjects in fourth semester shall be given opportunity to appear in make-up exam within the one month after the final result.
The candidates who have passed B.Sc. degree with major in Physics from Tribhuvan University or equivalent degree with the same major from Tribhuvan University or a university recognized by Tribhuvan University shall be considered eligible to apply for admission to M.Sc. Physics degree course.
M.Sc Physics Entrance Examination
- The weightage of the entrance examination will be 100 full marks, and the duration will be 2 hours. Questions are asked according to the B.Sc Physics syllabus prescribed by the committee.
- The questions will be Objective or Multiple choice questions (MCQs). Each question will carry 1 (one) weightage.
- 35% marks must be obtained to pass the entrance examination.
Admission Criteria
Admission Criteria: An applicant seeking admission to M.Sc. physics must appear in an entrance examination conducted by the Central Department of Physics. The applicant who fails to appear in the entrance examination or to obtain a minimum qualifying score will not be given admission.
Job Prospects
Physics aims to an understanding of the world both by observations and study of the ways in which objects behave, offer challenging, exciting and productive career opportunities, and cover many specialized fields. It offers opportunities for varieties of work activities like lab supervisor, researcher, technician, professor, manager. Physics opens door to employment opportunities throughout the world in government laboratory, industry, universities, and private organizations.
Thus, knowledge of physics is essential to get better career options, to setup satellite communication, to investigate black holes, to take scan of human body, to construct a computer, to detect flaws in structure, to make new materials, to study pollution of air, land and water, to reduce noise in vehicles, to harness energy of all kinds, to solve crimes. Similarly, diversification of physics application contributes to advances in medical diagnosis and treatment, solution of energy and environmental problems.
So, physics can reserve the potentials to solve many of the impending crises facing our society, such as global warming, overpopulation, waning energy and other natural resources, and can help save the planet. These are the crises that require scientific insight and innovation for their solution. Physicists help understand the materialistic world, secure human safety, enhance human livelihoods and boost economic progress (Mirowski 1989).
Curricular Structure
Master of Science (M.Sc) in Physics Semester system Curriculum.pdf
Course Structure
There will be four regular semesters in two years. The semester duration will be 15-18 weeks (15 weeks for course work and 1-3 weeks for evaluation). A student should complete 60 credit hour (hereafter CH) courses in order to earn Master’s degree in physics from Tribhuvan University.
A credit hour (CH hereafter) means teaching a theory course work for 60 minutes each week throughout the semester. For the laboratory work, 3 CH is for a semester. There will be three hours laboratory class everyday throughout the semester for 3 CH. This includes laboratory assignments and evaluation. The course load will be 12-18 credit hours per semester.
This course offers compulsory theoretical courses, laboratory work, computation work, elective and optional thesis/dissertation work in physics. There will be altogether twenty courses.
In the first two semesters, all ten courses are compulsory and in the third and fourth semesters, there will be five compulsory courses and five elective courses.
Table 1: List of the Compulsory and Elective Courses offered for the semester system.
Sem- ester |
Course Code No. |
Course title |
Full Mark |
Pass Mark |
CH |
Lecture/La b+ Tutorial (hrs) |
1st |
Phy501 |
Mathematical Physics I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
1st |
Phy502 |
Classical Mechanics |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
1st |
Phy503 |
Quantum Mechanics I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
1st |
Phy504 |
Electronics |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
1st |
Phy505 |
Physics Practical I (Compulsory) |
50 |
25 |
3 |
180+45 |
2nd |
Phy551 |
Mathematical Physics II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
2nd |
Phy552 |
Statistical Mechanics |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
2nd |
Phy553 |
Solid State Physics |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
2nd |
Phy554 |
Electrodynamics I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
2nd |
Phy555 |
Physics Practical II (Compulsory) |
50 |
25 |
3 |
180+45 |
3rd |
Phy601 |
Electrodynamics II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
3rd |
Phy602 |
Quantum Mechanics II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
3rd |
Phy603 |
Physics Practical (Advanced) |
50 |
25 |
3 |
180+45 |
4th |
Phy651 |
Quantum Mechanics III |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4th |
Phy652 |
Nuclear & Particle Physics |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4rd |
Phy653a |
Electronics Practical |
50 |
25 |
3 |
180+45 |
4th |
Phy653b |
Computational Physics |
50 |
25 |
3 |
180+15 |
4th |
Phy653c |
Project |
50 |
25 |
3 |
- |
Elective courses (Any Two) Including dissertation |
3rd Phy611 |
Advanced Solid State Physics I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
3rd Phy612 |
Micro andOptoelectronics I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
3rd Phy613 |
Seismology (Geophysics) I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
3rd Phy614 |
Atmospheric Physics I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
3rd Phy615 |
Plasma Physics I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
3rd Phy616 |
Biomedical Physics I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
3rd Phy617 |
Gravitation & Cosmology I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
3rd Phy618 |
Astrophysics I |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4th Phy661 |
Solid State Physics II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4th Phy662 |
Micro andOptoelectronics II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4th Phy663 |
Seismology (Geophysics) II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4th Phy664 |
Atmospheric Physics II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4th Phy665 |
Plasma Physics II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4th Phy666 |
Biomedical Physics II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4th Phy667 |
Gravitation & Cosmology II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4th Phy668 |
Astrophysics II |
50 |
25 |
3 |
45+15 |
4th Phy699 |
Dissertation |
100 |
50 |
6 |
- |
Total |
1000 |
400 |
60 |
720+720+6 00 |
Note: The Course Number (Phy505 & Phy555) is for Physics Practical I & II (Compulsory). The term ‘Compulsory’ means the general, nuclear, optical and electronics experiments in separate laboratories. The number of teachers in the laboratory classes depends on the number of laboratories and number of students as per TU rule (1 teacher for 10 students & at least one teacher in a laboratory)
A student can choose any two courses from the electives including dissertation. There will be an option between one of the elective courses and the dissertation. Student should have at least B- grade in all credits of first semester in order to enroll for the dissertation. The practical course in the third semester is compulsory however in the last semester, three optional courses namely electronics practical, project and computational physics will be offered. One can choose project work or perform electronics experiments or take computational physics course. However, one student cannot choose dissertation and project work both.
The first and the second semesters mainly focus on general theoretical courses as well as general experimental courses. The third semester mainly focuses on research oriented courses including computation courses. The fourth semester will be allocated for completion of the research work and the thesis writing or advanced courses. Elective courses will be offered by the Central Departments and other TU constituent and affiliated colleges on the basis of the availability of subject experts. In any case, at least 15% students of full quota are required to run an elective course. The physics subject committee may also develop new elective courses in the future.