Colleges offering BSc in Forestry under Agriculture and Forestry University
The aim of B. Sc. Forestry is to train academically competent and practical oriented professional in forestry. B. Sc. Forestry is an eight-semester (four- year) course after I. Sc. or I. Sc. ( Forestry) or 10 + 2 ( Science). This program is run by the Faculty of Forestry in the Hetauda, Makawanpur.
Students with I. Sc. (Basic science) or 10+2 ( Science) with compulsory English, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology securing a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate from any recognized University or Board, or Diploma in Forestry or Technical Certificate Level in Forestry, are eligible to apply for B. Sc. Forestry program. The selection for admission is on merit basis through an entrance examination. Girl students and students from disadvantage group are provided some preferences in terms of reserved quota and leverages in admission requirements.
Admission Criteria
Advertisement for Admission
The notice regarding students' admission is published in a national newspaper and will be put on the website of Agriculture and Forestry University. The exact date of admission process may vary from year to year but it generally starts in August-September and classes begins from mid of November.
How to apply
The process of application will remain online. The online application can be accessed at the official website of the university:
When encountered with any problem, then applicants can contact the responsible authority at for technical help. Admission is done on the basis of entrance examination (80%), the aggregate score of Higher secondary level or plus two (10%), the aggregate score of SLC/SEE (10%). The applicants will be selected on merit basis.
Entrance Examination
A total of 80 questions will be included in the written test. Questions are made with reference to the 7 subjects students study during their higher secondary level. Following is the list of distribution of questions among those 7 subjects:
- English - 12
- Chemistry - 13
- Physics - 8
- Botany - 13
- Zoology - 13
- Mathematics - 13
- Forest Science and General knowledge - 8
Required documents for admission
- Passport size photo - 3
- Original copy of Nepali Citizenship Certificate
- Original Transcript and Character Certificate, SLC/SEE
- Original Transcript and Character Certificate, Plus two/Higher Secondary Level
- Degree certificate of the provisional certificate, Plus two/ Higher Secondary Level
- Equivalency Certificate
- For candidates seeking admission under certain quota, need to present recommendation of the concerned authority
- Original admit card, Entrance Examination
Applicants with a Higher Education Degree from any other University than Agriculture and Forestry University are required to register with Agriculture and Forestry University. The applicants are required to submit the original copy of Migration Certificate during registration.
There are various National and International organizations that provide scholarship for education in forestry and allied sectors. They are ITTO, WWF, AFU, JICA, DFID, USAID, UGC, Finida, Danida, Norad, SDC, EOI etc. Some social organizations and memorial trusts also offer some kind of scholarship to the students.
Please contact the Faculty of Forestry, Agriculture and Forestry University for details regarding scholarships and available quotas for applicants.
Contact details
- Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU)Hetauda, Nepal
- Phone: +977-57-524154, +977-57-527354
- Email:
- Academic Section Phone: +977-57-523248
- Website:
Job Prospects
The B. Sc. forestry graduates are the basic degree to join as forest officer in the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation. The NGOs and INGOs working in the prefers to recruit B. Sc. forestry graduates. Similarly community based forestry organizations, forest based industries and enterprises, private sectors plantation and traders are the consumers of forestry graduates. National and International Institutions allow B. Sc. forestry graduates to pursue Master level education and widen the job market.
Scope of the course
1. Sufficient job opportunity in Ministry of forestry and environment in Federal level and ministry of Industry, Tourism and Forestry and Environment in provincial level.
- Ministry of Forest and Environment
- Department of Forest and Soil conversation
- Department of National Park and Wildlife conservation
- Forest Research and Training Central
- National Commission of Natural Resource and Finance
- REDD Implementation Centre
- President Chure Tarai Madesh Conservation Committee
- Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Forestry and Environment
- Divisional Forest Office (77 districts).
2. Sufficient job opportunity in National and International Non Government Organization in following field.
- Forestry
- National park and wildlife conservation
- Protected area management
- Community forestry
- Forest management
- Nursery practice and plantation management
- REDD plus and climate change
- Environment management
- Climate change adaptation mitigation
- Econometric Modeling and biometrics Forestry Sector
- Soil and Water conservation and watershed management.
- Agroforestry
- Zoo management
- Forest plant breeding and tree improvement
3. Research and Teaching Opportunity
- In CTEVT and its Affiliated institution (Faculty of Forestry)
- In Tribhuvan University (Faculty of Forestry)
- In Purbanchal University (Faculty of Forestry)
- In Agriculture and Forestry University (Faculty of Forestry)
4. Consultancy works as a freelancer in various field of forestry sector.
Curricular Structure
Internal assessment
Agriculture and Forestry University follows the semester system of examination for evaluation. A total of 20% of full marks in theory in each subject is evaluated internally by the subject teacher through an internal assessment. The student must secure 40% marks in the internal assessment to qualify for the final examination. The course teacher gives one chance for makeup test to those who fail in the first internal assessment or missed for valid reasons.
Final theory and practical examination
The Examination Board of Agriculture and Forestry University conducts a separate final theory examination of 80% and 20% of practical for each level externally through an external system of examination. Students must secure at least 40% marks in theory and practical separately to pass the final theory and practical examination in each subject. The students who fail in the final theory or practical examination are allowed to take a back-paper examination conducted by the examination board of AFU in each semester. The maximum allowable back paper examination will be as per the AFU regulation.
Attendance Requirement
A student must attend at least 70% of classes in theory and practical in each subject to be eligible for the final examination. All teachers will submit their attendance register to the faculty dean after the end of classes of each subject.
Other Requirements and Rules
The aspects of instruction, evaluation and other areas of academics not mentioned in here are as per rules and regulations of the Agriculture and Forestry University. The university may change any rules and regulations any times as required for effective functioning.
Grading System
A student will be graded at 1- 4 scale; 1 being the lowest and 4 being the highest grade. A, B, C and D grade will be awarded according to marks obtained in the courses.
Grade | Marks Obtained |
A | 80% and above |
B | 65% and less than 80 |
C | 50% and less than 65 |
D | 40% and less than 50 |
Semester Wise Distribution of B.Sc. Forestry
First Semester
Course | Code | Course | Credit Hour |
BSH | 101 | Principles of Cytology, Genetics and Breeding | 2+1 |
BSH | 102 | Communicational and Technical English | 2+1 |
BSH | 103 | Introductory Economics | 2+1 |
BSH | 104 | Social Science for Forestry | 2+0 |
BSH | 105 | Forest Law and Policy | 2+0 |
BSH | 106 | Principles and Practices of Office Management | 2+0 |
SFB | 101 | Principles and Practices of Silviculture | 2+0 |
WPR | 101 | Wildlife Biology | 2+0 |
Total | 16+2 |
Second Semester
Course | Code | Course | Credit Hour |
FPU | 101 | Wood Anatomy | 2+1 |
FSE | 101 | Forestry Surveying | 2+1 |
BSH | 107 | Tree Physiology | 2+1 |
WP | 102 | Wildlife and Ecotourism Management | 2+1 |
SFB | 102 | Dendrology | 2+1 |
NRM | 101 | Forest Extension | 2+1 |
SWM | 101 | Introductory Soil Science | 2+1 |
Total | 14+7 |
Third Semester
Course | Code | Course | Credit Hour |
BSH | 201 | Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 2+1 |
FPU | 201 | Harvesting and Logging | 2+1 |
WPR | 201 | Wildlife Conservation | 2+0 |
SWM | 201 | Fundamentals of Geology | 2+1 |
FSE | 201 | Forest Engineering | 2+1 |
NRM | 201 | Principles and of Forest Economics | 2+0 |
SFB | 201 | Silvicultural Systems | 2+0 |
NRM | 202 | Forest Mensuration and Biometrics | 2+1 |
Total | 16+5 |
Fourth Semester
Course | Code | Course | Credit Hour |
FPU | 202 | Medicinal and Aromatic Plants | 2+1 |
WPR | 202 | Protected Area Management | 2+0 |
NRM | 203 | Forest Management | 2+1 |
SFB | 201 | Forest Ecology | 2+1 |
SFB | 202 | Agroforestry Systems and Management | 2+1 |
SFB | 203 | Forest Protection | 2+1 |
SWM | 202 | Forest Hydrology | 2+1 |
FT | 201 | Field Training | 0+2 |
Total | 14+8 |
Fifth Semester
Course | Code | Course | Credit Hour |
FPU | 301 | Wood Products and Utilization | 2+1 |
WPR | 301 | Tourism and Recreation | 2+1 |
NRM | 301 | Rangeland Management | 2+0 |
FPU | 302 | Ethnobotany | 2+1 |
EES | 301 | Fire Ecology | 2+1 |
FSE | 301 | Soil and Water Conservation Engineering | 2+1 |
BSH | 301 | Elementary Statics & Computer Application | 2+1 |
SFB | 301 | Nursery Management | 2+1 |
Total | 16+7 |
Sixth Semester
Course | Code | Course | Credit Hour |
FPU | 303 | Wood Science and Technology | 2+1 |
FSE | 302 | Remote Sensing Air Photo Interpretation | 2+1 |
NRM | 302 | Forest Business Management | 2+1 |
NRM | 303 | Community Forestry and Governance | 2+1 |
EES | 302 | Mountain Ecology | 2+1 |
EES | 303 | Biodiversity Conservation | 2+1 |
SWM | 301 | Watershed Management | 2+1 |
FT | 301 | Field Training | 0+2 |
Total | 14+9 |
Seventh Semester
Course | Code | Course | Credit Hour |
BSH | 401 | Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skill | 2+1 |
NRM | 401 | Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis | 2+1 |
FPU | 401 | Utilization of Non Timber Forest Products | 2+1 |
EES | 401 | Environmental Science | 2+1 |
EES | 402 | Ecosystem Services and Climate Change | 2+0 |
NRM | 402 | Natural Resource Economics | 2+0 |
SFB | 401 | Silviculture of Nepalese Tree | 2+0 |
FSE | 401 | GIS in NRM | 2+1 |
FT | 401 | Field Training | 0+3 |
Total | 16+8 |
Eighth Semester
Course | Code | Course | Credit Hour |
EES | 403 | Global Environmental Change | 2+1 |
SWM | 401 | Soil Survey and Degraded Land Management | 2+1 |
PP | 401 | Project Paper/LEE | 0+6 |
SM | 401 | Seminar | 0+1 |
Total | 4+9 |
Subject Group: The above courses are grouped/abbreviated as below:-
Course Short Name | Course Full Name |
BSH | Basic Science and Humanities |
NRM | Natural Resource Management |
FPU | Forest Products Utilization |
SWM | Soil and Watershed Management |
FES | Forest Survey and Engineering |
SFB | Silviculture and Forest Biology |
WPR | Wildlife and Protected Reserve |
EES | Ecology and Environmental Science |
FT | Field Training |
PP | Project Paper |
SM | Seminar |
For detailed information regarding all the courses in the curriculum: