Purbanchal University School of Health Sciences

Purbanchal University School of Health Sciences

Gothgaun, Sundarharaicha, Morang


Purbanchal University College of Medical and Allied Sciences is a constitutent college of Purbanchal University. It is located in IMS, Gothgaun, Morang. 

It offers Post Basic Bachelor of Nursing (PBBN) and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc Nursing), Bachelor of Public Health (BPH), Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Master in Public Health (MPH) and Master of Pharmacy in Clinical Pharmacy (M. Pharm). 

 Purbanchal University College of Medical and Allied Sciences (PUCMAS) has been established as a central unit/institute of medical and allied sciences at Purbanchal University (PU). PUCMAS houses modern facilities including academic building, administrative block, separate hostels for boys and girls, teachers’ quarter, library building, computing centre, sports complex and cultural centre. The campus is provided with its own state of art water supply, power supply, telecommunication, garbage disposal and bio-degradation systems.


The Purbanchal University realizes that the nearly overwhelming health care needs of the people in this country and in the global village at large would be met best by training students, from Nepal and abroad, to produce highly competent, compassionate and caring health work force which would also be capable to deliver health care in rural communities as well. That realization is, now, translated into the mission of the Purbanchal University College of Medical and Allied Sciences.

The mission of PUCMAS is to:

  • Produce health manpower of different cadres with meticulous care being taken to inculcate a sense of care, competency,   compassion and values in them.
  •  Develop, demonstrate, and deliver health care services based on genuine traditional methods and advance technology. 
  •  Produce graduated who are industry-ready, and well equipped to face the many challenges that await today’s health professionals.
  •  Impart advance knowledge through basic, biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and social research.
  •  Encourage students to be committed to servicing mankind in the areas of unmet needs.


The vision of PUCMAS is to develop it as a self-sustained, self-reliant medical college of international repute so as to produce scholars and skilled human resources for health care services. It also aims to be a partner in providing complete medical services to the Nepalese people in particular and humanity in general and also to develop it as a research hub for medical and health sciences in this region.

Purbanchal University has a teaching hospital (PUTH) of 100 beds with planning to expand its capacity from 300 beds to required dimension of medical college. All the departments in this hospital are well managed and equipped for carrying out academic, research and health services. PUTH would broaden its services and health care system on collaboration with MOH/GON. 


OFFERED PROGRAMS - Purbanchal University

BSc Nursing 40 Seats
Fee: NPR 1,036,000
Fee: NPR 920,230
Fee: NPR 777,000
Fee: NPR 777,000
Fee: NPR 518,000


Maharajgunj Medical Campus
Maharajgunj Medical Campus
  • Maharajgunj, Kathmandu
NIST Higher Education
NIST Higher Education
  • Lainchour, Kathmandu