Gorkha Campus

Gorkha Campus


The Gorkha Campus is a Constituent Campus of Tribhuvan University. It is QAA Accreditated by University Grant Commission (UGC) Nepal on 16 November 2022, and the accreditation will be valid until 15 November 2027


Gorkha Campus is located in a historical district of Gorkha at the heart of the country, Nepal. It is a constituent campus of Tribhuvan University. It is offering Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) and Master of Education (M.Ed) Programs.

The campus has been contributing to the development of higher education in Education in various subjects with academic achievements from the time of its establishment in 1978 A.D (2035 B.S). 

Gorkha Campus successfully launched the programs in non credited and credited courses. It is maturing as a center of excellence in teaching and research activities with conventional and online modes in semester and yearly system.

A team of competent teaching and non teaching staff has been working with professional commitment to meet its vision of being a leading regional institute of western Nepal. Gorkha campus has made its identity with its unique features of student friendly administrative staff, highly skilled and competent teachers and record breaking performances of the students.


The vision of Gorkha Campus is to become a leading, vibrant and equitable university for meeting the global academic needs.


  • To strengthen existing programs and offer new programs as the time demands.
  • To adopt new approaches, methods and strategies for making teaching learning learner- oriented in accordance with change in technology, social context and global perspectives.
  • To launch training programs, seminars and conferences for professional and academic development.
  • To develop new resources of teaching and learning and exchange them among the educational institutes in and abroad.
  • To prepare the students to participate more fully in the global community.

Core values and norms:

  • Collaboration and cooperation
  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Inclusiveness and social justice
  • Unity and continuity

Salient Features

  • Spacious classroom and rich laboratory.
  • Discipline and study.
  • Well equipped and advanced library.
  • Computer lab and e-facility.
  • Student-oriented, co-operative teaching and learning.
  • Research and self-learning orientation.
  • Competent and qualified faculties.
  • Student friendly and peaceful environment.
  • Hostels and playgrounds.


Gorkha Campus offers scholarship opportunities to needy and meritorious students.


Janamaitri Multiple Campus
Janamaitri Multiple Campus
  • Kuleshwor, Kathmandu
NIST Higher Education
NIST Higher Education
  • Lainchour, Kathmandu
DAV College
DAV College
  • Bhanimandal, Lalitpur
Padma Kanya Multiple Campus
Padma Kanya Multiple Campus
  • Bagbazar, Kathmandu
Kalika Multiple Campus
Kalika Multiple Campus
  • Kajipokhari, Pokhara, Kaski