Central Department of Chemistry | Tribhuvan University

Central Department of Chemistry | Tribhuvan University

Kirtipur, Kathmandu


Central Department of Chemistry, Tribhuvan University was founded in 1965. It has been providing quality education in chemistry from its very inception. In the last 46 years, the department has made a long journey full of many ups and downs. In spite of all the difficulties, it is a matter of pride that the department has been able to produce internationally saleable students.

The teaching of Chemistry in Nepal commenced in 1921 in Tri-Chandra College, with the introduction of Intermediate of Science (I. Sc.) program, which was then upgraded to Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) level in 1947. Tribhuvan University (TU) named after the late king Tribhuvan, was established by promulgating the Tribhuvan University Act in July 14, 1959. Master 's Degree in Chemistry was started only from December 1965 initially at Tri-Chandra College with the introduction of a program in Organic Chemistry. This historical step also pioneered the introduction of research initiatives in Chemistry in Nepal. Late Professor Prasanna Man Singh Pradhan was the first the Lecturer-in-Charge of the Master 's program.

The present Chemistry building within the University complex was inaugurated in August 17, 1966 and the Department of Chemistry then started to function in its own building at the University complex.

Master 's Degree programs in Inorganic and Physical Chemistry were introduced in 1966 and 1967, respectively. Late Professor Dr. Dhruba Man Singh Amatya was formally appointed as the first Head of the Department in 1966 and he remained to that post up to 1984. After Professor Amatya Professor Dr. S. P. Dhoubhadel, Professor Dr. C. L. Gajurel, Professor J. K. Shrestha, Professor Dr. M. D. Manandhar, Professor Dr. R. R. Pradhananga and Professor Dr. Tulsi Prasad Pathak were appointed as Head of Central Department of Chemistry during the period in between 1984-2009. Associate Professor Dr. Kedar Nath Ghimire is leading the Department as the Head since October 16, 2009.

Since its establishment, Central Department of Chemistry has been awarding Master 's and Ph. D. Degrees in Chemistry. In 1965, only 20 students were enrolled in M. Sc. while the number of students ' enrollment is rapidly increasing year-by-year. For the last few years the number of students ' enrollment per year has been fixed to ninety. As Master 's Degree program is designed for completion in two academic years, in total, there are 180 students studying in the Department.

Master 's Degree program of the University has been recently started also in Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus in Kathmandu and Mahendra Morang Adarsha Multiple Campus in Biratnagar.

Contact address

Central Department of Chemistry

Tribhuvan University

Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Salient Features


Since its inception, Central Department of Chemistry has been playing the leadership role for the establishing and uplifting the Chemistry Education and Researches in Nepal. The graduates of this Department have been absorbed in academia and industries both in national as well as international arena. The main responsibilities and objectives of Central Department of Chemistry are as follows:

  1. To produce high level skilled Chemistry manpower with M. Sc. and Ph. D. Degrees
  2. To conduct postdoctoral researches
  3. To promote research activities in Chemistry and related fields
  4. To improve and upgrade the Chemistry curricula of the University at different levels in accordance to the national requirements and maintaining the international standards
  5. To promote relations with various national and international institutions concerned with Chemistry
  6. To develop relation between Chemistry related governmental and non-governmental organizations
  7. To provide consultancy services in various areas of Chemistry