Western Health Science Academy is located in Panipauwa 11, Pokhara, Kaski Nepal. Western Health Science Academy is only one diploma in Pharmacy college in Pokhara since 2059 BS.
The institution is affiliated to Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training(CTEVT) and is recognized by Nepal Pharmacy Council(NPC). WHSA is located in Pokhara valley in Khaun, which is about 2km from Mahendrapool.
The college is located in such an area that there is no any disturbance from city crowd and provides the excellent academic environment. The objective of the college is to develop a quality Pharmacy Education program and produce Pharmacy Assistant needed for the country. This is achieved by well managed and organized teamwork between founders, faculties, staff, students, parents, and well-wishers.
To educate and provide quality pharmacy human resource to meet the requirement of pharmacy and pharmaceutical services in Nepal and abroad.
All Nepali who are interested in the field of pharmacy and pharmaceutical science should have access to quality pharmacy education and training.
The objective of the college is to develop a quality Pharmacy Education program and produce Pharmacy Assistant needed for the country. This is achieved by well managed and organized teamwork between founders, faculties, staff, students, parents, and well-wishers.
PTHMI, as affiliated to CTEVT provides the scholarship whatever the CTEVT suggest. Candidates from privileged sectors of society are also considered for scholarship. Each Year 10% students get scholarships.