United Educational Academy

Muktipur, Nepalgunj, Banke



Located in Ratna Rajmarg, Nepalgunj, Banke, Nepal, United Educational Academy (UEA) is dedicated to nurturing both academic and personal excellence. At UEA, every student is recognized as a unique individual with the potential to achieve their best. The school focuses on developing a strong moral foundation and ethical understanding within a principled learning community. UEA encourages students to approach their endeavors with enthusiasm and determination.


United Educational Academy aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to thrive in a rapidly evolving society. The school emphasizes a comprehensive liberal arts education, fostering competencies essential for success and leadership in the creative community. UEA is committed to generating both practical and theoretical knowledge to help students better understand the world and enhance conditions for local and global communities.


United Educational Academy strives to be a leading institution where innovative design and social research inform the study of technological change, economic empowerment, sustainability, and globalization. The school envisions becoming a premier intellectual and creative hub, effectively engaging with a world that demands well-designed objects, communication, systems, and organizations to meet societal needs.

  • private Institution
  • 081-521542


College of Allied Health Science
College of Allied Health Science
  • Bagiya, Nepalgunj, Banke
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Jaya Bageshwari Secondary School
  • Surkhet Road, Nepalgunj, Banke
The Hotel School Nepal
The Hotel School Nepal
  • Basudevapur, Bhujhai Ward no 19, Nepalgunj, Banke