Pokhara Technical Health Multipurpose Institute

Kahu-11, Pokhara, Kaski, Kaski


Pokhara Technical Health Multipurpose Institute is located in Gaudako mukha 13, Pokhara. With affiliation from CTEVT it is currently offering Health Assistant and Staff Nurse program.

Pokhara Technical Health Multipurpose Institute Pokhara 21 Kaski came into existence in 2059 B.S. It is the result of conscientious efforts by the elite, eminent professionals, academic well wishers of the region. It is affiliated to CTEVT and recognized by Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) and Nepal Nursing Council(NNC). Tranquil educational environment experienced administrators, highly dedicated faculty members, skillful staff, adequate facilities have established it as a model technical health college not only in Western Development Region but also all over the country . PCL in General Medicine(H.A.) and PCL in Nursing(Staff Nurse) are the two programmes run by the Institute.


To educate and provide quality general health and nursing care human resource to meet the requirement of above mentioned health care services in Nepal and abroad.


All Nepali who are interested in the field of general health and nursing care should have access to quality general health and nursing education and training.


  1. To help the MOH in health sector by producing technical Nursing/HA manpower.
  2. Develop the practical skill of the students through sufficient learning experience in the related field.
  3. To emphasize and encourage the people for the technical education in other discipline in future.
  4. To help people lead a better life through quality and advance health technical education.
  5. To empower the Nurses/ HA by developing capacity of critical decisions making power with regards to health of the people and responds to the need of the communities and the country.
  6. To establish a sustainable and autonomous health institution and contribute to social welfare to promote public health through better medicines.

Salient Features

  • Excellent board performance in General Medicine and Nursing this Year.
  • Homely, sound and quiet environment.
  • Big compound with adequate outdoor playing facilities.
  • Well equipped laboratory.
  • Experienced and dedicated teachers.
  • Efficient and Smart staffs.
  • Rich and well ordered library.
  • Simulative and lively strategy of teaching.
  • Terminal evaluation system.
  • Own college and hostel building having the capacity to accommodate 120 students.
  • Two buses for efficient transportation.
  • Clean canteen.
  • Computer lab with 24 hour internet.
  • Audio visual facility for teaching like LCD, Lecturer and Exhibition, Demonstration etc.

Admission Guidelines

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum of Division in SLC or 68.33 in CMA or ANM(TSLC) for PCL Nursing and PCL in General Medicine.

Admission Process

  1. The Entrance exam will be conducted by CTEVT and will cover English, Math, and Science of SLC level for Nursing and General Medicine.
  2. The application form for the entrance exam will be made available in Pokhara Technical Health Multipurpose Institute.
  3. PCL Nursing and PCL in General Medicine(HA) have the total capacity of 40 seats each per year.
  4. Those candidates able to maintain their position in the top 40 will be able to join the PCL Nursing and PCL in General Medicine Programme.( 3 Years Course).
  5. Fee structure , admission fee will be according to the rules and regulation of CTEVT and hostel charge fixed according to private policies of PTHMI.


PTHMI, as affiliated to CTEVT provides the scholarship whatever the CTEVT suggest. Candidates from previlleged sectors of society are also considered for scholarship. Each Year 10% students get scholarships.

  • Established 2059 B.S.
  • private Institution
  • 061-523123, 061-551093


Vindhyavasini Secondary School
Vindhyavasini Secondary School
  • Pokhara-16, Batulechaur, Pokhara, Kaski
KEF Secondary School
KEF Secondary School
  • Simpani, Pokhara, Kaski
Cosmos International College
Cosmos International College
  • Gairapatan, Pokhara, Kaski