Lumbini Secondary School

Sunwal-1, Aabas, Sunwal, Parasi


Established in the year 2045 BS by Lumbini Sugar Mill, Lumbini Secondary School is a leading independent community school which is situated in Sunaul-1, Nawalparasi. Established with the aim of providing education to the children of the workers of Lumbini Sugar Mill, this school was under the control of the sugar mill up to 2060 B.S. Since 2061 B.S., it has been conducted as a public education trust. Lumbini aims to be an institution of excellence, dedicated to producing good citizens and leaders of future. The school has been conducting Nursery to Ten and plus two programs in Management and Education affiliated to NEB.

Lumbini Secondary School is a non profitable public institution. It has been striving to replicate its innovative teaching methods for cognitive development of the students with prior focus on life-skill oriented practical education since its establishment.

The school has its own spacious building with well organized classrooms, library, science lab and computer lab with unlimited internet access. In addition to that the school has well experienced, qualified and dedicated faculty members acquainted with new academic skills and techniques. There is a system of providing sanitary pad to girl students.

The school facilitates students with regular assessment for timely feedback in their performance. The school conducts unit tests, monthly tests and internal examination as per the need of the students.

The school has peaceful environment with well-facilitated classrooms. Scholarship has been provided to underprivileged, marginalized and deserving students. There is 10% discount in fee to the children of staffs of Lumbini Sugar Mill and school staffs. This school has established its standard in fifth position in western region of Nawalparasi district. The school has shown outstanding performance in SLC examination for several times. 

Lumbini Secondary School has appeared in SLC examination since 2055 B.S. About thirteen hundred students in SLC and about eight hundred students in +2 level have been produced from this school. This school is going to celebrate Silver Jubilee.


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