Gyanjyoti Academy Secondary School

Bhumahi, Ramnagar, Parasi


Gyanjyoti Academy Secondary School, which is managed by a team of dynamic, dedicated, and seasoned academicians, is one of the flourishing academic institutions in Nawalparasi district. Since its establishment in 2053, Gyanjyoti has been trying to be an academic institution where students can get all round education and build their moral character in a lucid manner. Trying to keep pace with the changing world and acting as an essential component for an ever increasing population with high adaptability and flexibility, Gyaniyoti has been trying to meet the expectation of parents and country.Thus, it has been continuously expanding its academic programme.

Situated in a serene environment, Gyanjyoti Academy has been conducting classes from Nursery to class ten and +2 programme in Management with computer science and Education affiliated to National Examination Board of Nepal.

Gyanjyoti has a resourceful library with reference books, newspapers, magazines and journals. It has well equipped science labs for Physics, Chemistry and Biology where students have opportunity to carry out the experiments by themselves. It has a well equipped computer lab with internet facilities. Students can explore and enhance their skills of computer under the supervision of teachers. Gyanjyoti sports department has got equipment of various types of games and sports such as T.T., Badminton,Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Handball, etc. Such equipments are regularly supplied in from school.

It has facilities of Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Junior Football and Handball Court within school premises.With the motto "Quality Education, Gyanjyoti combines intimacy with a strong academic tradition and genuine atmosphere of good humor, hard work and mutual support. The school is dedicated to develop the particles of wisdom in individuals through quality teaching methods. It lays special emphasis on teaching students with individual approach to establish the personal relationship between the teachers and students, on which the school strength is based.

Gyanjyoti is an institution with own physical infrastructure, excellent programme and distinguished faculty. The institution has evolved as a strong academic centre devoted to meet the challenges of students in today's global society.

The school always aims to become the centre of excellence supported by latest resources and technology to help students reach their educational goal.



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