Fishtail Nursing Campus

Dautari Bhawan, Gairapatan, Kaski


Fishtail Nursing College was established with the joint effort of Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) and Fishtail Hospital and Research Center. It is being managed by a group of people committed to build a sound, efficient and productive academic institution for quality education in the sector of health. We are currently running 3 years Proficiency Certificate Level Nursing program and planning to run the Post Basic Bachelor of Nursing in the near future.

Students at Fishtail Hospital and Research Center are exposed in various clinical settings and provide direct care services to the patients in our own hospital at the center of Pokhara Valley.

Fishtail Hospital and Research Center Pvt. Ltd.

Dautari Bhawan, Gairapatan, Pokhara


PCL Nursing 40 Seats
Fee: NPR 475,000
  • private Institution
  • 061- 527553, 061-528999


Vindhyavasini Secondary School
Vindhyavasini Secondary School
  • Pokhara-16, Batulechaur, Pokhara, Kaski
KEF Secondary School
KEF Secondary School
  • Simpani, Pokhara, Kaski
Cosmos International College
Cosmos International College
  • Gairapatan, Pokhara, Kaski