Others—April 05, 2014
Discipline is the process of training oneself in obedience, self control, skill, etc. The controlled, ordered behaviour results from such training. Discipline …
Latest School News—April 05, 2014
A new polytechnic college has opened in Nepal equipped with the latest in Korean technology and equipment. After four years of construction, the Korea-Nepal …
Higher Education News—April 05, 2014
Contrary to his frequent public statements that varsities should never become places for political appointment, Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai is found to …
Interviews—April 05, 2014
Dr Govinda KC’s hunger strike Last week brought to the forefront a burning issue plaguing the country’s education sector—political appointments to top-most …
Course Guidance—April 05, 2014
In Nepal, two universities and two deemed university offers undergraduate medical education (MBBS program). Tribhuvan University and Kathmandu University …
Prithivi Narayan Multiple (PN) Campus is not only ahead because of its student population but is also ahead with the quality of education it provides. …
Bharat Pahari either is ignorant of the Tribhuvan University (TU) rules and regulations or has chose to defy them. Pahari, the Dean of Institute of …
International Students—April 05, 2014
Education experts today said there was need to formulate clear policies on inviting foreign students to Nepal for higher studies. Speaking at an interaction …
Most people of the modern world are heading towards materialistic gains and living a life of tension. Buddhism teaches people about spirituality for living …
CTEVT News and Notices—April 05, 2014
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Urgent Notice regarding fee structure Council for Technical Education …
After studying in Nepal for over a decade, many students wish to apply to colleges abroad in search of better education and opportunities. But with …
Students from affiliated colleges under Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM) staged a sit-in at the KUSOM premises at Balkumari in Lalitpur on …
Think about the time you’ll graduate from college and will have to look for a job; cater to the need of financial independence, of being an adult. Are the …
Radiologists are physicians who diagnose illnesses based on imaging and related tests, such as ultrasound, x-rays, nuclear medicine techniques and MRIs. Nepal …
The Banaras Hindu University (BHU) will confer an honorary Doctorate of Letters (D Litt) degree on President Ram Baran Yadav in the last week of December. …
Qualitative education as an indicator of a country’s development plays a vital role. Being technical in nature, legal education has got special importance for …
Vice Chancellor of Kathmandu University Suresh Raj Sharma resigned from the post. Suresh Raj Sharma was appointed as the Vice Chancellor of Kathmandu …
Dean of the Institute of Medicine (IoM) Dr Prakash Sayami resigned today after failing to appoint other officials on merit basis. The Tribhuvan University …
The importance of public administration for the smooth running of state affairs has been considered an important phenomenon since the beginning of human …
In the history of higher education in Nepal Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma has set some record by serving as Vice Chancellor of Kathmandu University (KU) for almost 21 …
As a precursor to the establishment of a University, a team dedicated people first established Kathmandu Valley Campus in 1985 to provide education in …
Abroad Study—April 05, 2014
The trend of studying abroad has caught the Nepali students and the United States of America is for the majority the first choice. And if you are one of the …
A meeting at the Ministry of Education (MoE) on Tuesday decided to ban guess papers and guide books meant for for grades X, XI and XII. Various publishing …
The Vice Chancellor selection committee of the Kathmandu University has recommended Dhulikhel Hospital Director Dr Ramkanth Makaju Shrestha for the post on …
Showing 2473 to 2496 of 2631 results