Entrance Exams
The training in Pathology is the base required to gain subsequent adequate training in its other sub-specialties. Training in Pathology is enough to deal with the majority of day-to-day problems.
The specialists in Pathology can also effectively screen the selective few proportions of patients who require sub-specialists, both in acute and chronic setting. The training in Pathology in the National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS) will be done in the affiliated hospitals, mainly in Bir Hospital.
The program of training in Pathology will be started with involving the hospitals, where there are more than seven postgraduate degree holder Consultant level manpower, having adequate medical facilities. Apart from that students will be sent on rotation to specialized posting.
Later on with increasing facilities in other affiliated hospitals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, they will also be included in the program. The subject committee will comprise of the faculty members working in the Pathology from the affiliated hospitals.
General entry criteria of National Academy of Medical Sciences for MD/MS program are applicable, which is as follows.
- Candidates should have MBBS or equivalent degree recognized by the Nepal Medical Council.
- Candidates should have minimum two years of work experience in Government, University or other similar recognized hospitals after temporary registration with Medical Council.
- Candidates should achieve minimum 50% marks in the written MCQ type entrance examination.
- For selection of the candidates, 60% of the marking would be as per the markings of the written examination, and rest 40% would be given as followings:
- Experience in remote areas as per the classification of Ministry (2 years X maximum number 10%): 20%.
- PG diplomas from a recognized university in the concerned subject only (Diploma holder in one subject can not apply in other subject): 5%
- MBBS or equivalent ( 75%: 5; 60%: 4; 50: 3): 5%
- ISc or equivalent or certificate in health sciences ( 60%: 5; 45%: 4; 45: 3): 5%
- SLC or equivalent ( 75%: 5; 60%: 4; 45: 3; 45: 2): 5%
Job Prospects
- To train specialist with adequate knowledge, attitude and skills
- To develop qualities of initiatives, creativity, sound judgment and logical deduction so as to provide academic leadership in Pathology.
- To develop skills of critical analysis of scientific literature.
- Be conversant with recent advances in Pathology.
- To develop skills in thesis writing.
- To develop skills in research.
- To develop skills as a teacher or trainer of the health team.
At the end of the course of study the candidate should be able to
- Explain the pathophysiology of diseases.
- Diagnose and manage all problems concerned with Pathology.
- Review scientific literatures; undertake critical analysis and present scientific papers.
- Undertake Pathological research.
- Educate members of team working with him or her.
Curricular Structure
The train period leading to MD (pathology) shall be of 3 years duration. The postgraduate (PG) will go through 3 years full time residential training.
The PG students will be encouraged toward self-directed learning. Faculty will function as a guide only. Formal lectures will be kept to a minimum. They are expected to learn as they work in the Laboratories under supervision.
Students will also actively participate in all academic activities within the department. A guide will be designated for each PG student for thesis work. The guide will also monitor the training and log book of the student.
For MD Pathology program, there will be a student Teacher ratio of 1:1 for Associate Professor and 2:1 for Professor. All laboratories facilities will be utilized for post graduate teaching of affiliated Hospitals. Each concerned subjects will have a department with various units as needed.
Each unit will be headed either by a Professor or Associate Professor or a senior Consultant or Consultant. Each teacher (Guide) will be responsible for his or her students from each year of the training program. The guide should hold a post of Professor or Associate Professor.
The training will be organized and monitored by the subject committee which will consist of faculty members form different affiliated hospitals. The subject committee will meet regularly at least every 2 months.