MBA Financial Management

MBA Financial Management

2 years

Colleges offering MBA-FM under Tribhuvan University

MBA Financial Magement is career-focused program that assists students in developing abilities in financial management in organizations while maintaining the core of a standard MBA program. As a result, it uses a wrap and weft approach to imprint specific information through optional courses, research projects, and seminars. These courses and activities provide students with the necessary analytical and decision-making abilities that they may use in both local and global settings. Furthermore, this curriculum provides students with the chance to get hands-on experience of the actual business world through industrial attachments, summer and winter projects, as well as build interpersonal and networking skills.

Students with an MBA (FM) degree will be equipped to thrive in their careers while also meeting their societal and corporate responsibilities in an ever-changing local and global context. Students enrolled in this course will earn 63 credits over the course of two years, spread out over four semesters, and will provide a solid foundation for academic and professional success.


The program's objective is to train managers who have the knowledge to comprehend companies and their environments, as well as a set of skills suited for a career in business and management, especially in finance management. The curriculum is designed to train individuals who will be able to manage and lead companies. For that to realize, the program offers an environment where the students,

  • study organizations, their management and the changing external context in which they operate,
  • develop the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of business and management to complex issues, both systematically and creatively,
  • develop and enhance a range of skills which are highly appropriate to a career in business and management,
  • prepare themselves for a career in the management of finance in businesses by developing skills at a professional level, and
  • identify and leverage local business practices and adopt international best practices in the field of business and management.


Salient Features

Teaching Pedagogy

This program's defining elements will be student participation in the learning process. Students will have many opportunities to seek advice from competent academics and seasoned professionals. To supplement the lecture technique, a well-balanced mix of case studies, project work, and seminars will be employed.

Examination and Evaluation

The evaluation will be conducted in two stages. The students will be examined in the first phase by the faculty in their individual courses based on their regularity, class participation, evaluations, presentations, and group work. This mid-semester evaluation will be worth 50% of your grade. To pass the in-semester evaluation, students must receive at least 60% in each topic. Students who do not meet the minimal requirements for the semester-end assessment will be required to retake the course. Exams at the conclusion of the semester will be worth 50% of your grade. It will be centered on problem-solving, analytical, and case-study questions, among other things.

Each course's examination will last 3 hours. To pass the semester-end test, students must receive at least 50% in each topic. Students who fail a course must take a make-up test for the same subject and get the minimal pass score to pass.

In terms of examination and assessment, the MBA-FM follows the wider structure of Tribhuvan University's Faculty of Management. In addition, the Examination Committee established under Autonomous Regulations 2062 shall monitor and supervise all examination and evaluation matters.

Grading System

MBA (FM) maintains its grading system consistent to that of the MBA program of Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University. Accordingly, the performance of MBA (FM) shall be graded in four-point scale (0 – 4). The passing grade in the semester-end examination for an individual paper shall be grade “B minus” or GPA of 2.7. In order to pass the semester examination, the student must secure a minimum of Grade “B” or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 (60 percent). The overall grade of a student will be determined by the student’s performance in the in-semester and semester-end examinations.

The following table presents the Letter Grade, GPA, percentage equivalent and Performance Remarks for the MBA (FM) program:

Letter Grade CGPA Remarks
A 4.0 Distinction
A- 3.70-3.99 Very Good
B+ 3.30-3.69 Good
B 3.29-3.69 Fair
B- 2.70-2.99 Pass in individual subjects
F Below 2.70 Fail



The minimum eligibility criterial for the admission in MBA FM is 15 years of formal education (12 years of schooling plus three years of college education in any discipline) from institutions/ universities recognized by Tribhuvan University. The applicant must have secured a minimum of CGPA of 2.0 or 45 percent in Bachelor’s degree.

Admission Criteria

The final decision of the admission is based on the applicant’s past academic achievements and the scores in the admission test conducted by the College. The admission test comprises of written test, group discussion, individual presentation, and personal interview.

The admission notice will be publicly announced and all applicants must submit the duly filled-in application form along with necessary documents and the payment of prescribed fees. The admission details (e. g. key dates, document required, fees, admission test, etc.) will be published in the prospectus made available before the start of the admission process.

Curricular Structure

Semester-wise breakdown of the course.

Semester I

Course Code Course Title Credits
ENG 511 Business and Professional Communication 3
ECO 521 Economic Analysis for Business 3
STA 561 Applied Statistics 3
FIN 611 Financial Reporting and Analysis 2
FIN 612 Corporate Financial Management 3
MKT 541 Marketing Management 2
  Total 16

Semester II

Course Code Course Title Credits
MGT 551 Organizational Behavior and People Management 3
ACC 531 Management Accounting 2
MGT 553 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 3
FIN 614 Financial Markets and Corporate Financing Decisions 2
FIN 613 Taxation for Business Decision 2
OPM 562 Operations Management 2
  Elective I 2
  Total 16
WPR 591 Winter Project 1

 Semester III

Course Code Course Title Credits
MGT 554 Business Research Methods 2
MIS 563 Management Information System 3
FIN 615 Capital Markets and Investments 3
FIN 616 International Finance 2
IAR 694 Industrial Attachment 3
  Elective II 2
  Total 15
SPR 692 Summer Project 1

Semester IV

Course Code Course Title Credits
MGT 552 Business Environment and Strategic Management 3
FIN 617 Risk Management and Insurance 2
FIN 618 Derivativesand Risk Management 2
FIN 619 Stock Market and Behavioral Science 2
GRP 693 GRP 3
  Elective III 2
  Total 14