Colleges offering MA in Sociology and Anthropology under Purbanchal University
Master's Degree in Sociology /Anthropology is designed to enhance general theoretical understanding and research skill of students in Sociology and Anthropology in such a way that they achieve mastery over the subject matter and methodology. The course offers students knowledge, perspectives, and insight into culture, society, history and contemporary issues of Nepal and various proposals about solution that are required of the social scientists, social engineers, policy makers, planners and executors of New Nepal.
Those who have completed Bachelor's degree in any discipline may apply. The applicant should appear and pass written entrance test given by the Purbanchal University. Finally, he or she has to appear on personal or group interview. The selection of the student will be based on (a) academic base which is demonstrated in written test; (b) interest, willingness and commitment for academic achievement and (c) readiness for observance of College rules.
Curricular Structure
Curriculum: Master in Sociology and Anthropology
1st Year
- I Theories in Sociology
- II Theories in Anthropology
- III Theories on Socio-cultural Change and Development
- IV Social Research Methods
- V Sociological/Anthropological Perspectives on Social and Cultural Institutions
2nd Year (Sociology Group)
- VI Ethnicity, Caste and National Integration
- VII Sociology of Rural Society
- VIII Thesis
- IX Population Studies
- X Gender Studies
2nd Year (Anthropology Group)
- VI Ethnicity, Caste and National Integration
- VII Anthropology of Development and Environment Management
- VIII Thesis
- IX Human Evolution and Ethno-archeology
- X Gender Studies
Substantial part of the syllabus deals with Nepalese context, issues, problems and perspectives.
Each of the nine papers has fundamentally two systems of examination and evaluation:
(a) written annual examination conducted by the University which carries 80 marks out of 100; and
(b) internal assessment based on
• Terminal and Send-Up exams
• Theory and Research Based Term Papers
• Class Assignments