PhD in Education

PhD in Education

5 years
Fee (Tentative)NPR 595,000

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education (three years full-time equivalent) is a rigorous program of advanced study and research. This program is intended to produce graduates with the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality. By the end of the degree program, the PhD student will be capable of independently designing and executing original research that generates new knowledge.

Applications for PhD Program are open all year round.  All applicants must be able to demonstrate capability and interest to carry out independent research and have adequate training and ability to pursue the proposed the PhD program.


  1. At least 18 years of education with MPhil (or MPhil equivalent) degree from the university recognized by Kathmandu University
  2. Demonstrated competency in English
  3. CGPA 3.25 on a four point scale or 60% in aggregate in previous degree

Admission Criteria

Application Process

Identify/communicate with a professor/associate professor within KUSOED to proceed for application for the PhD candidate’s position.

The applicant must submit following:

  1. A duly filled admission application in an application form provided by the school
  2. Two references from academic referees
  3. A fully developed research proposal of around 4000 words (written in English)
  4. A 5000 words research paper on any topic (written in English)

If the concerned professor is satisfied, s/he will recommend to the Research Committee.

The Research Committee will evaluate the proposal and make the final decision.

The Research Committee will consider the following aspects while making its evaluation:

  1. Past academic record
  2. Research proposal
  3. Writing ability [written test/sample written essay]
  4. Referees
  5. Relevant work experience
  6. Interview
  7. Presentation based on the research proposal
  8. 5000 words paper on any subject (published or not published)

Curricular Structure

Thesis Process

The student must satisfy the Research Committee with his/her potential to undertake the research of their interest; the process is defined as Proposal Defense in the University system.

The Proposal defense must complete within six months of registration as a PhD student. However, in some specific cases the Research Committee can accept the proposal defense within one year. If the student is not able to successfully defend her/his proposal within this time, her/his PhD process will considered to be ended.

After proposal defense the student is required to prepare and submit two Qualifying Assessment papers of publishable quality (one each on method and content).

Once accepted for registration, the student must register her/himself in the School as a PhD student. Only after the acceptance of qualifying papers, a student will be considered as PhD Candidate. Until such acceptance her/his admission in PhD will be considered as provisional.

The topics for qualifying papers are finalized by the Supervisor in consultation with the candidate.

Each PhD Candidate will be assigned minimum one Supervisor.


  1. The candidate is required to prepare and submit a research based thesis of high academic standard.
  2. Upon submission of the final thesis (with approval of the Supervisor(s), the thesis is sent at least to two external Examiners.
  3. Among two Examiners, one will be designated as Primary Examiner.
  4. If both Examiners accept the thesis for defense, the Research Committee will decide to invite the candidate to defend her/his thesis.
  5. If one of the Examiners rejects the thesis, the Research Committee might then decide to send the thesis to the third Examiner.
  6. The external examination process of the thesis will completely be blind.

7. The candidate is required to go through two rounds of defense as follows:

  1. Preliminary defense – public defense, the purpose is to support the candidate to improve the academic rigor of the thesis work,
  2. Final defense – in front of the Research Committee.

8. External Examiner (primary) will be invited in the Research Committee meeting when the candidate presents her/his thesis.

9. Considering the inputs from the external Examiner, the Research Committee makes the final decision on whether to declare the thesis passed or rejected, or to ask the candidate for further work.

10. The thesis submitted for examination should satisfy the following requirements:

  1. It must be an independent and original piece of individual research work
  2. It must have made knowledge contribution in its area of the research
  3. It must have clarity in research purpose/objective and must have achieved its stated purpose/objectives
  4. It must be conceptually/theoretically sound
  5. It must have used appropriate methodology as per the research problem and there must be methodological coherence
  6. It must be referential and must show the evidence of capturing the existing knowledge in the area of the research
  7. It must be satisfactory in terms of its language and presentation.
  8. It must be written in English following the format and style prescribed by the Research Committee.

Requirements other than thesis

Course work (non-credit) as per the recommendation of the Supervisor

  1. Could be in these areas – research, statistics, thematic areas

Publication and participation in conferences

  1. At least two papers in refereed journals (in the area of the candidate’s research)
  2. At least two paper presentations in national/international conferences, seminars (in the area of the candidate’s research)