Colleges offering BPSG under Tribhuvan University
Bachelor in Public Service and Governance (BPSG) is a four years course of Tribhuvan University. This course was launched by Padma Kanya Multiple Campus in 2019 A.D.
Public service is considered one of the honored and demanding careers in Nepal. This discipline amalgamates the issues from History, Economics, Culture, Technology, Language and Literature, Administrative theories, Psychology, Value Education, International Relations, Law, Data Science, And Research. This program aims to produce students into efficient public workers who transform classroom knowledge into practice at the workplace and fulfill the existing gap of pragmatic application. Moreover, it will groom law-abiding and ethical young minds required to fulfill the requirement of good governance in the nation’s public service sector.
The BPSG is a four-year eight-semester academic program comprising 126 credits. Students are required to fulfill the theoretical, practical, and professional course requirements to complete the course. They will be internally and externally evaluated. Internal evaluation will carry 40% and the external evaluation done based on the semester-end examination will carry 60% weight. Continuous internal assessment will comprise of case study and analysis, research seminar paper writing students' presentation, etc as determined by the faculty.
BPSG courses are designed in such a way that they:
- connect contemporary issues of organizational management and operation in both private and public sector;
- associate disciplinary philosophies and theories with the practice of contemporary policies, laws, rules, and procedures with a focus on efficiency, transparency, and accountability required for good governance in the management and administration of different kinds of organizations;
- adopt inter-and the multi-disciplinary approach of teaching-learning, and research in organizational management and operation and focus on policies, laws, procedures, and practices related to political, economic, social, cultural, and historical processes of societies in national and international contexts;
- combine the procedures and practices of service and governance of private enterprises, and judiciary, ministries, departments, offices, and service outlets of government including police, and military organizations, diplomatic units, constitutional bodies and commissions, foreign agencies, and the community at large;
- establish a linkage between the formal, legal and procedural framework and governance in practice and explore the issues of good governance in an interdisciplinary way.
- connects contemporary issues of organizational management and operation; and
- associates disciplinary philosophies and theories with the practice of contemporary policies, laws, rules, and procedures with a focus on efficiency, transparency, and accountability required for the good governance of public and private sector management.
on the completion of the program, students will develop, with flexibility and adaptability, cognitive, intellectual, and critical thinking skills, personal and transferable skills for communication, interpersonal skills of teamwork for organizing, planning, controlling resources, and problem-solving. Similarly, they will also be aware of environmental and human rights issues. With self-awareness and confidence, students will be able to take initiative to develop themselves as responsible and ethical human resources.
Objectives of the program
The program aims at producing graduates who can start as officers/middle-level managers in private sector units where a mass number of people are served and in the public sector units including public enterprises, judiciary, ministries, corporate departments, offices, and service outlets of government at the local, federal and central level, and the office administrative service of police and military organizations, diplomatic units, constitutional bodies and commissions, embassies and foreign service sectors
This program under the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tribhuvan University also includes value education and technical behavioral practices and aims to prepare the students for foreign affairs and public services to meet effectively the functional requirements of bureaucratic practices.
Expected outcomes
On the completion of the program, the graduates will be able to:
- develop, with flexibility and adaptability, cognitive, intellectual, and critical thinking skills, personal and transferable skills for communication, interpersonal skills of teamwork for organizing, planning, controlling resources, and problem-solving;
- aware of the environmental, development, gender, and human rights issues. With self-awareness and confidence, the students will be able to take initiative to develop themselves as responsible and ethical public servants;
- develop competencies in project and program development on a managerial priority basis;
- analyze public and mass people service process, monitor the effect of the public services, identify the long-term impact of public policy, and alternative policy; and
- develop the ability to recognize the problems of public service management prepare and apply ethical solutions by using appropriate analytical instruments.
Salient Features
Fee Structure
- Admission Forms and Entrance Examination Fee: NPRs 1000/-
- Tuitions Fees:
S.N. |
Semester |
1 |
First |
75,000 |
2 |
Second |
35,000 |
3 |
Third |
50,000 |
4 |
Fourth |
35,000 |
5 |
Fifth |
50,000 |
6 |
Sixth |
35,000 |
7 |
Seventh |
50,000 |
8 |
Eighth |
35,000 |
Total |
3,55,000 |
*Note: This is the fee structure for the academic session starting from the academic year 2077/2078 (2021). The fee structure given above maybe subject to change every year.
Internship work
Students shall work Intern at the end of the second, third, and fourth academic year and will produce a report at the end. The tenure for each internship work shall be credited 3 credit hours. In four years duration, students shall earn 9 credits by working as interns and producing a report for each intern deputation. Students shall submit a report in accordance with the format designed by the research Committee. The assessment will be carried on the basis of report-content, individual presentation, and interview. Activities during internship shall include one or many issues decided by the Research Committee.
Research seminar paper
Starting from the third semester, students shall carry out research work in each odd semester and prepare a research report in the format designed by the research committee. This paper shall be of 1 credit each. Students shall earn 3 credits after presenting the research papers. The assessment of the seminar paper will be done on the basis of report-content, individual presentation in the seminar, and interview. The basic objective of the research seminar paper is to impart research skills to students.
Teaching-learning mechanism
To translate the expected outcomes of the BPSG program the following teaching-learning mechanism will be followed:
- Development of the academic calendar for each Semester;
- Preparation of Curriculum Map to address the given objectives of the concerned subjects
- Preparation of Lesson Plan by the concerned faculties;
- Application of the classroom and or outside classroom Student-Centered Critical Pedagogies for the transformation of knowledge and skills to the students by following the norms of the credit system (i.e. One-hour contact of faculty equals to three hours activities for and of students); and
- Continuous evaluation of students based on the Student-Centered Critical Pedagogies.
The program applies multi-dimensional student-centered critical pedagogies which include though not limited to:
- Regular lecture
- Guest lecture/ speech
- Case study and analysis
- Assignments
- Report writing and presentation
- Seminars
- Internship
- Problem-solving
- Group discussion
- Debates
- Innovation Labs
- Virtual class
- Simulations (Public Speaking, Meeting, Communicating, Letter and Memos, etc.)
The medium of instruction and examination
Nepali language shall be the medium of instruction and examination for Nepali, and English for other subjects.
Students who have passed +2 or equivalent from any discipline with a minimum of GPA 2.0 (with D+ grades in all subjects) or Second Division (45%) shall be eligible to apply for admissions to the BPSG program followed by success in the aptitude test, group discussion and interview given by the program.
Admission Criteria
Students are required to sit for the Entrance examination and also appear for an interview. The selection will be made on a merit basis.
Instructions for Entrance Examination
- The test contains the following five sections and each section carries 20 marks:
Section |
Test |
No. of Questions |
Total Marks |
1 |
Verbal Proficiency |
20 |
20 |
2 |
Quantitative Proficiency |
20 |
20 |
3 |
Logical Proficiency |
20 |
20 |
4 |
General Awareness |
20 |
20 |
5 |
Language Proficiency |
4 |
20 |
Full Marks |
100 |
2. The time allotted for the test is 120 minutes.
3. Use of a calculator or any other devices is prohibited. For calculation purposes, you can use any space available on the question paper or perform manually.
4. There is no negative marking for the wrong answers, so try answering all questions within the given time.
5. Multiple markings of the answer will be considered as the wrong answer.
During admission, students are required to submit photocopies of all certificates of SEE and +2 or equivalent.
Job Prospects
After graduation, the students will be able to start their career in different government and non-governmental agencies, private and public service sector enterprises, and organizations with high ethical standards as:
- Administrator and executive professional both in public and private sector
- Policy and administration leader
- Management and organization analyst
- Public service authority
Curricular Structure
Evaluation scheme and certification
The performance of students in each course shall be evaluated based on:
- Internal evaluation ( 40%) and
- External evaluation (60%)
The internal evaluation (IE) shall be given by the concerned faculty in each subject being based on attendance, discipline, and performance in different tests and assignments like unit tests, unscheduled class tests, home assignments, and assessments of specific pedagogical assignments and the schedule tests. Three schedule tests shall be organized by the Program Office, as part of internal evaluation, at the interval on the completion of 33%, 66%, and 100% courses in each semester. The marks weight of the tests organized by the Program Office shall be 20 in each subject (i.e. 50% of the internal evaluation).
The evaluation of the Seminar Paper and Internship report shall be done by the Panel of Evaluation decided by the Research Committee.
The external evaluation is known as Semester End Examination (SEE). The SEE shall be given by the Examination Board at the end of each semester.
The evaluation processes for the courses, internship, and seminar paper are divided as:
Course |
Internship |
Seminar paper |
IE |
R |
OE |
VV |
Total |
R |
PE |
VV |
Total |
40 |
60 |
50 |
25 |
25 |
100 |
50 |
25 |
25 |
100 |
IE = Internal Evaluation
SEE = Semester End Examinations (External Evaluation)
R = Report
VV =Viva-voce
OE = Organizational Evaluation
R = Report
PE = Participants’ evaluation
The evaluation process for the theoretical courses of 100 marks is divided into two parts. The first part is Internal Evaluation (IE) and the second part is the Semester End Examination (SEE). The internal evaluation and the external evaluation will carry 40 marks (40%) and 60 marks (60%) respectively in each subject except the research Seminar Paper and Internship. The evaluation of the Seminar Paper and Internship shall carry 100 percent marks as specified above.
The pass percentage for the internal and external evaluation shall be 50 percent. In case of deviation of more than 20% in the internal evaluation in each subject with the marks of external evaluation, the marks of internal evaluation shall be adjusted accordingly.
Students shall be required to have at least 80% attendance of the number of classes offered in each course to be eligible for appearing for the semester-end examination. If any student’s attendance is below 80% in any course in a semester, s/he shall not be allowed to appear in any examination in that semester. However, the Governing Board may permit to appear in the concerned examination if the body is satisfied with the reasons cited by the candidates in an application for absence in classes with the due recommendation of the coordinator and the concerned subject teacher.
Internal evaluation
The faculty, who teaches the course, shall conduct the Internal Evaluation of the student in the respective subject. The faculty shall be accountable for the transparency and reliability of the entire evaluation of the student in the concerned course. The internal evaluation of the students shall be as per the module and criteria given below:
Module for Internal Evaluation
Types of Assessment |
Marks and Weight |
20 marks- At least 50% marks shall be secured in an average of the three tests
5 Marks
5 Marks
5 Marks
5 Marks |
In case a student fails to acquire a pass mark in the internal evaluation module and criteria (all four components are taken together), S/he shall not be allowed to appear in the semester-end examination. If the student has not appeared in the internal examination, s/he shall be allowed one more chance to appear for a retest, and then pass marks (actual marks obtained in retest or passing marks whichever is less) shall be considered for grade only.
Record of the internal assessment shall be maintained by concerned faculty and made available to the Program Office. The Program Coordinator holds the right to ask for records of internal assessment from any faculty. The details of records are to be maintained for one semester from the date of the semester-end examination.
Semester End Examination: The semester-end examination for the theoretical courses shall seek a written response to questions weighing 60 marks. The Board shall conduct this examination for each course at the end of each Semester so as to examine the candidate's theoretical knowledge, creativity, comprehension, problem so1ving ability, interpretation, and awareness capabilities. The duration of the examination shall be 3 hours for each subject.
The certification of graduation shall be made on the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system followed by letter grade based on the marks obtained in percent as given below:
Letter Grade |
Grade Point Average (GPA) |
Cumulative Grade Point Average CGPA) |
Marks Obtained in Percent |
Remarks |
A |
4.0 |
4.00 |
90% & above |
Distinction |
A- |
3.7 |
3.70-3.99 |
80-89.9% |
Very good |
B+ |
3.3 |
3.30 – 3.69 |
70 – 79.9% |
First Division |
B |
3.0 |
3.00 – 3.29 |
60 – 69.9% |
Second Division |
C |
2.5 |
2.5- 2.99 |
50-60% |
Pass |
F |
Below 2.5 |
Below 2.5 |
Below 50% |
Fail |
Question Pattern for each Semester End Examination (SEE) for theoretical courses
Total Marks-60 Pass marks- 30
Section One: Reasoning Type (Compulsory): 1*20 Marks
The question should test the reasoning capacity of the students in the major theme of the course. It could be application type, situational type, etc. If possible this should cover more than one unit of the syllabus. For the case of numerical-based subjects, this question should have one part questioning the applications or decisions based on the results of the main part of the question.
Section Two: Long Answer Type Questions
Five Questions to Answer from a set of six questions: 5*5=25 Marks
(The questions should test major concepts from the course).
Section Three: Short Answer type Questions Type (Compulsory)
Fifteen questions to Answer from set of fifteen questions: 15*1=15 Marks
The questions should test basic concept, definitions, relevant examples, and short numerical
Note: No unit will be left out in terms of distribution of questions
Course Structure
The course of the Bachelor in Public Service and Governance (BPSG) is designed to impart knowledge to the students in various economic, social, legal, and political dimensions of public services with a special focus on principles and values of public policy and public services, innovative measures and change management for the effective and efficient management of the activities in public sector management.
Semester I
Code |
Course Title |
Cr. |
Contact Hrs. |
BPSG 421 |
Reading for English Language Learning |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 422 |
नेपाली व्याकरण र पाठ बोध |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 423 |
Foundations of Public Service |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 424 |
Administrative Studies |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 425 |
Context of Public Service I |
3 |
48 |
Semester II
Code |
Course Title |
Cr. |
Contact Hrs. |
BPSG 426 |
Professional English |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 427 |
सामान्य नेपाली र प्रकर्यपरक लेखन |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 428 |
Fundamentals of Computer Application |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 429 |
Context of Public Service II |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 430 |
Public Services Management - I |
3 |
48 |
Semester III
Code |
Course Title |
Cr. |
Contact Hrs. |
BPSG 431 |
Competencies for Public Service Profession I |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 432 |
Human Resource Management |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 433 |
Applied Mathematics and Statistics |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 434 |
Research Methodology |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 435 |
Microeconomics |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 436 |
Research Seminar Paper I |
1 |
- |
Semester IV
Code |
Course Title |
Cr. |
Contact Hrs. |
BPSG 437 |
Fundamentals of Psychology |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 438 |
Macroeconomics and Policy Analysis |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 439 |
Public Policy and National Policies of Nepal |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 440 |
Design and Delivery of Development |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 441 |
Internship – I |
3 |
8 Wks |
Semester V
Code |
Course Title |
Cr. |
Contact Hrs. |
BPSG 442 |
Nepalese Administration System |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 443 |
Dynamics of Population, Gender and Development |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 444 |
Work Psychology and Application |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 445 |
Revenue Governance and Taxation |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 446 |
Political Philosophies |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 447 |
Research Seminar Paper II |
1 |
- |
Semester VI
Code |
Course Title |
Cr. |
Contact Hrs. |
BPSG 448 |
Corporate Governance |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 449 |
Public Service Accounting and Auditing |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 450 |
Nepalese Society, Cultural Heritage and Tourism |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 451 |
Ethics for Public Service Professionals |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 452 |
Internship-II |
3 |
8 Wks |
Semester VII
Course Code |
Course Title |
Cr. |
Contact Hrs. |
BPSG 453 |
Nepalese Administrative Laws |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 454 |
Public Services Management - II |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 455 |
International Relations |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 456 |
Issues in Public Service Management |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 457 |
Research Seminar Paper III |
1 |
- |
Elective I( any two) |
3+3 |
48+48 |
BPSG-410- EL1- |
National Security Management |
BPSG-410- EL2 |
Management of Conflict and Post Conflict Peace Building |
BPSG-410- EL3 |
Database Management System |
BPSG- 410- EL4 |
Public Distribution Management |
Semester VIII
Code |
Course Title |
Cr. |
Contact Hrs. |
BPSG 458 |
Natural Resources Management |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 459 |
Nepalese Fiscal Laws |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 460 |
Comparative Governance |
3 |
48 |
BPSG 461 |
Internship-III |
3 |
8 Wks |
Elective II ( any one) |
3 |
48 |
BPSG-411- EL1 |
Project Management |
BPSG- 411-EL2 |
Geography and Geographic Information System (GIS) |
BPSG-411- EL3 |
Strategic Planning in Public Sector |
BPSG-411- EL4 |
Procurement Management |
Elective courses offered at present are:
Elective- I
- National Security Management
- Management of Conflict and Post Conflict Peace Building
- Database Management System
- Public Distribution Management
Elective II
- Project Management
- Geography and Graphic Information System
- Strategic Planning in Public Sector
- Procurement Management
Other electives subjects shall be added according to the market need.