Sanothimi Campus

Sanothimi Campus

Madhyapur Thimi, Madhyapur Thimi, Bhaktapur


Sanothimi Campus is located at heart of Madhyapur Thimi Muncipality. This campus was established with the aim of producing vocational technicians and teachers with the name of National Vocational Training Center (NVTC) in 2024 B.S. 

This campus was affiliated to Tribhuvan University in the name of Sanothimi Campus after the implementation National Educational System Plan (NESP- 2008). It began to produce trained teachers for vocational education according to the newly introduced curriculum (2028) in the school level.

Now Sanothimi Campus has been offering various subjects (courses) for specialization. The subjects of specialization in bachelor level are English, Mathematics, Science, population , Health & physical education, Nepali, Home science, Industrial, Political science, Economics Geography, Primary education, Early childhood development, Informal educational Administration & Supervision, Nepali education and newly offered curriculum ICT education as well.

Similarly, in master level ICT Ed., EPM, Curriculum, Health and Mathematics education has been offered. It is the matter of proud that sanothimi campus has started Information and Communication Technology Education (ICT Ed) in Bachelor level from 2065 onward.

The first batch students of Sanothimi Campus ICT Ed. have been graduated in 2070. Sanothimi Campus has started M.Ed. semester system in three subjects viz Nepali, Health, and Curriculum and Evaluation education in Open and Distance Learning(ODL) mode from Ashoj 2070. The total number enrolled in M.Ed. through ODL mode are 42 (Forty Two) . Sanothimi Campus also enrolled first batch of M.Ed. ICT in this current year 2070.


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