Bharabi Science College

Itahari, Sunsari


Bharabi Science college, a private institute, was founded by dedicated faculties of science background in 2062 BS, with the primary objective of providing quality university education in eastern region. It started functioning at Dharan city affiliated with Tribhuvan University.

From previous academic year, institute has been shifted to ltahari Municipality with new prominent management to cater quality education in this region with having long term vision to address the educational need of nation. As a natural consequence of the immense confidence reposed by the science background students and their parents in the 10+2 schools, this Bachelor in Science Degree program , in affiliation with TU, was established in order to provide continuity in their pursuit of higher education in their interested area of education.


Bharabi Science College aims at training students of quality to be leaders in all walks of life, whom we hope will play a vital role in bringing about the desired changes for the betterment of the people of our country, more particularly of the Dalits and other poorer sections of society. The aim of the college is to educate students to serve their fellow men and women in justice, truth and love. It fosters an atmosphere of intellectual vigor and moral rectitude in which the youth of our country may find their fulfillment and achieve greatness as eminent men and women of service.

Bharabi Science College looks at education differently. It consistently and constantly works to form the students as Competent, Committed, Creative and Compassionate men and women for and with others.


KIST College & SS
KIST College & SS
  • Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu
NIST Higher Education
NIST Higher Education
  • Lainchour, Kathmandu
DAV College
DAV College
  • Bhanimandal, Lalitpur
Padma Kanya Multiple Campus
Padma Kanya Multiple Campus
  • Bagbazar, Kathmandu