It’s a hot day, and you wish your town would hurry up and build that pool everyone keeps talking about. But where should it be built? What land is …
Veterinary technologists and technicians don’t go through the many years of medical and scientific training that veterinarians do, but they work just as …
If your vision of a chef is someone in a puffy white hat who races around the kitchen making sure each order is filled, you’re only partly right. True, a …
The world’s population has grown exponentially -- from small scatterings of people to giant cities with millions of residents living side by side. While …
Writers work in many places, from magazines to corporations to home offices. They create articles and nonfiction books, newsletters for nonprofits, annual …
Minimum Qualification required to become Teaching Assistant (TA): Completed Bachelor’s degree with first division or equivalent in related disciplines for …
Administrative assistants and secretaries are talented, versatile people. If you have any doubt, stop by the school office and watch the secretary at work. …
The pilot is not the only person who keeps you safe during a flight. Aircraft and avionics technicians maintain and repair everything from radar to landing …
We have always been interested in the living world around us. To survive, we had to understand which animals and plants were dangerous to us and which were …
Sub Health Posts in Nepal are staffed by Auxiliary Health Workers (AHW), also known as Community Medical Assistants (CMA), who have had 18 months clinical …
In the 1940s, high tech meant the ENIAC computer. What did the room-sized machine do? It could do five thousand additions and subtractions per second. It …
Eligibility to become Lab Assistant in Nepal: English: Passed One year Lab Assistant Course after passing SLC examination. Nepali: स्वास्थ्य सेवा, …
As an electronics technician, you might service the industrial controls on a factory floor. Or you might repair missile control systems for the government. …
Are you passionate about nature and eager to pass that love on to others? Environmental educators, also known as naturalists and interpreters, teach …
Human anatomy is complex and fragile, and each one of us is unique. While we can’t expect physicians to specialize in our own distinct makeup, they do …
Though much of today’s manufacturing is now done by factories overseas, there are still a number of manufacturing plants in the United States. Many of …
Insurance sales agents may offer various kinds of insurance or specialize in a specific type of policy, such as health and long-term-care, life, or …
Do you like working with numbers? Being around people? Working on the run? Do you actually get a rush out of going door-to-door selling candy bars to …
The reason for your visit may well be the only thing on your mind when you go to a clinic or hospital. And if the managers at these places are doing their …
It takes enormous patience to work with the physically handicapped, the mentally ill, or anyone struggling with the tasks of daily life. But as an …
If you’ve ever given a friend advice on how to spend money, then you’ve already acted the part of personal financial advisor. But knowing how to spend isn’t …
Seniors recovering from hip-replacement surgery, newborns with birth defects, athletes with injuries, young adults with brain disorders: All of these …
Police Service/Armed Police Service of Nepal fulfills all the vacant of Armed/ Nepal police personnel by Open Competition (100%). They can be later promoted …
Teenagers generally don’t watch the same television shows as Wall Street executives, and most kids don’t listen to the same radio stations as their …
Showing 193 to 216 of 221 results