Frequently Asked Questions about BDevS, BDFin and BoSS programs by KU

Sristi Nyaupane

August 13, 2019
Last updated May 06, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Programs such as BDevS, BDFin, and BoSS by Kathmandu University is gaining momentum in the current time. These courses are available at National College. The programs have a great scope and potential to engage students to get to the intellectual height that is demanded in the marketplace.

1. What is BDevS program?
BDevS (Bachelor in Development Studies) is a Kathmandu University, School of Arts affiliated 4 years program focused on Sustainable Development and Management. This program has been designed keeping in mind the overall socio–economic development in both rural and urban settings.

2. What is scope of this course?
After graduating from BDevS program graduates can work in Development Organizations (NGO/INGO)and also work as Development Planner in government organizations and also as Researcher, Program Assistant, Development Issue Analyst, Field Supervisor, Social Mobilizer, Independent Entrepreneur, Socioeconomic Researcher, EIA consultant, lecturer, professor. The graduates can also start their own NGO or Development consultancy and company and work in Socio–Economic Research and Development Actions and as Consultant.

3. What can we study in masters after graduation with BDevS degree?
BDevS graduates can study MDevS, M-Sustainable Development, M-Human and Natural Resource Management, M Environment Studies, M Economics, M Sociology, MBA and other master’s program.

4. Who can study BDevS program?
Any students with minimum 2.00 CGPA with minimum D+ grades in each subject in 10+2 (Science, Management, Humanities, Education) CTEVT Diploma/PCL, GCA A level or in any other equivalent levels. The students also need to pass the Kathmandu University School of Arts Admission Test (KUSAAT).

5. Is BDevS recognized by international universities?
Since, BDFin is the program of Kathmandu University, School of Arts, it is well recognized by international universities. The graduates from BDevS courses have even completed PhDs from prestigious international universities.

6. What are the BDevS graduates doing?
Some of the graduates are working in World Bank after getting Fulbright scholarship to USA. Others are working with good salaries and facilities in United Nations, Asian Development Bank, ICIMOD, UNESCO, WFP, IFAD, FAO, UNICEF, UNDP, IUCN, WWF etc. Some graduates have received the ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarship and now working in prestigious organizations in USA, Australia and Europe.

BDevS program

1. What is BDFin program?
BDFin (Bachelor in Development Finance) is a Kathmandu University affiliated 4 years long program focusing on development finance. This internationally recognized degree is first of its kind in South Asia.

2. What is scope of this program?
After completing this degree, students can get job opportunities in national and international financial organizations, micro-finances, cooperatives, banking and insurance sector, corporate sector and government offices. The graduates are also capable enough to establish and operate their own enterprises.

3. What can we study in masters after graduation with BDFin degree?
BDFin graduates can study MBA, MBS, MFC, MPA, M.Com, MA Economics and other finance related courses.

4. Who can study BDFin program?
Any students with minimum 2.00 CGPA with minimum D+ grades in each subject in 10+2 (Science, Management, Humanities, Education) CTEVT Diploma/PCL, GCA A level or in any other equivalent levels. The students also need to pass the Kathmandu University School of Arts Admission Test (KUSAAT).

5. Is BDFin recognized by international universities?
Since, BDFin is the program of Kathmandu University, School of Arts, it is well recognized by international universities. The graduates from BDFin courses have even completed PhDs from prestigious international universities.

6. What are the BDFin graduates doing?
After completing this degree, graduates are engaged in national and international financial organizations, micro-finances, cooperatives, banking and insurance sector, corporate sector and government offices. Some graduates have established their own enterprises.

BDFin Program

1. What is BoSS program?
BoSS (Bachelor of Social sciences) is a Kathmandu University affiliated 4 years long interdisciplinary program focusing on Social work, public policy, governance, research, social psychology and international relations.

2. What is the scope of this course?
After graduating from BoSS programs, graduates can work in the areas including Research Institutes, NGOs, INGOs, Government Organizations, Media House, Social Work, Project Analysis and Design, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social Impact Assessment as Researchers, Activists, Journalists, M&E Managers, Field Coordinators, GIS Experts, Public Policy Analysts, Government Officers, Social Scientists. The graduates can also work as independent researchers, consultants and are capable of establishing their own Social Enterprises.

3. What can we study in masters after graduation with BoSS degree?
BoSS graduates can study different subjects including MA -International Relations, Masters in Development Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Masters in Social Work, Crisis Management, Public Policy, Governance, Psychology, Gender Studies, Sociology & Anthropology, Political Science.

4. Who can study BoSS program?
Any students with minimum 2.00 CGPA with minimum D+ grades in each subject in 10+2 (Science, Management, Humanities, Education) CTEVT Diploma/PCL, GCA A level or in any other equivalent levels. The students also need to pass the Kathmandu University School of Arts Admission Test (KUSAAT).

5. Is BoSS program recognized by international universities?
Since, BoSS is the interdisciplinary program of Kathmandu University, School of Arts, it is well recognized by international universities. The graduates from BoSS can even complete their PhDs from prestigious international universities.

BoSS Program
