ECA and CCA at KMC Lalitpur

May 27, 2024

Established in 1997, KMC-Lalitpur has flourished for the past 15 years. With a commitment to excellence bolstered by KMC's dedicated management and faculty, the school offers a comprehensive +2 program in Science, Management, Humanities, and Law, aligned with the National Examination Board (NEB) curriculum. Through a unique methodology emphasizing regular assessments, KMC-Lalitpur prepares students to excel academically and pursue their ambitions with confidence.

In this video, Mr. Amit Gharti, Head of ECA and CCA at KMC Lalitpur, discusses the significance of Extracurricular Activities (ECA) and Co-curricular Activities (CCA) in fostering holistic student development. He elaborates on the various clubs and sports programs offered at KMC Lalitpur, highlighting their role in nurturing diverse talents and interests. Additionally, he sheds light on the college's array of organized events, spanning across various domains, further enriching the student experience.