Vinayak Boarding Secondary School

Vinayak Boarding Secondary School

Sainik Tole, Mills Area, Biratnagar 12, 56613, Biratnagar, Morang

Vinayak Boarding Secondary School, affiliated with the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) is a day boarding, comprehensive centre of learning and development from Nursery to class X based in Biratnagar City. Established in 1993, Vinayak Boarding Secondary School (V.B.S.S.), is a modern educational set up with traditional values to welcome the new millennium.

Built on a modern and unique architectural design and ambience, it has aesthetically designed, well ventilated and well-lit classrooms with comfortable furniture amidst an eco-friendly green campus. VBSS is a co-educational, English medium, Progressive, Comprehensive and Integrated Institution from Nursery to Class X. The school is affiliated to Secondary Education Examination (SEE), National Examinations Board, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur (Affiliation no. 109).

VBSS represents a Spirit, "A Will to Achieve and Capture the Passion" for excellence based on a strong value system, retaining a rich diverse heritage, with an Affordable Fee Structure. The wings of creativity and confidence firmly attached to the dreams of our young learners enable them to fly high in pursuit of multi-dimensional excellence.



As rightly said by John F. Kennedy, “Education is a means of developing our greatest abilities because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.” At Vinayak, this is what we strive for, as quality is never an accident, it is always the result of intelligent effort. Rigour is the key to our high standards. Here, the education is child-centred and aims at comprehensive all-round development of children. So, teaching styles and techniques are geared to the well-being of the child which leads to his cognitive, affective and curative development.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr. aptly describes the function of education as, “to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”

Salient Features

Teaching With Technology

  • Math Lab for practical exposure to the world of numbers
  • Science Lab with latest technology for the kids for hands on experience from Class VII onwards.
  • Language Sessions for improving the vocabulary and speaking skills of the students.
  • Computer Classes
  • Performing Arts – Music: Vocal in classical and folk.
  • Performing Arts – Dance:
  • Educational Field Trips.
  • Yoga and Meditation.
  • Arts and Crafts as a part of the regular curriculum.
  • Workshops / Seminars.
  • Health & Fitness Programmes.
  • Thematic Assemblies.
  • Volunteership / Events / Celebrations.

Admission Guidelines

Application forms are to be filled in and submitted to the Accounts Office.

  • One form is applicable for one student only
  • Registration fees once paid, are non-refundable at this time, the following documents are to submitted Administrative Office.
  • The registration form, duly filled and signed
  • 2 passport size colour photographs of the child
  • Proof of date of birth (issued by the Municipal Corporation or any authorised competent authority)
  • The transport form (if school transport needs to be availed)
  • Photocopy of the current year’s report card and those of the last two years’ final exams

Incomplete registration forms will be rejected.

  • private Institution
  • 021-435952


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