Surkhet Technical Institute

Birendranagar, Surkhet


Surkhet Technical Institute is located in Birendranagar of Surkhet District. With affiliation from CTEVT it is currently offering PJTA and CMA program.


Surkhet Technical Institute envision to be an excellent agriculture training center in Nepal.

The mission of Surkhet Technical Institute is to produce basic and middle level workforce through quality and demand driven training to school dropouts and SLC/TSLC graduates.


  1. Ensure quality training and promote entrepreneurship and self employment opportunities.
  2. Maintain maximum participation of target population.
  3. Increase income generating activities for sustainability.
  4. Ensure the involvement of line agencies in technical education

  • Established 2055 BS
  • private Institution
  • 083-521890


Nepal Rastriya Secondary School, Surkhet
Nepal Rastriya Secondary School, Surkhet
  • Mahalkuna-7, Badakholi, Mahalkuna, Surkhet
Shree Krishna Sanskrit and General Secondary School
Shree Krishna Sanskrit and General Secondary School
  • Itram, Birendranagar-7, Birendranagar, Surkhet
Bhairav Secondary School Surkhet
Bhairav Secondary School Surkhet
  • Chingad Rural Municipality, 05, Chingad, Chingad, Surkhet