Sirjana School of Fine Arts

Sirjana School of Fine Arts

Uttar Dhoka Sadak, Lazimpat, Kathmandu

Srijana School of Arts, situated in Uttar Dhoka, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, provides the Plus two program approved by the National Examination Board (NEB).



Operating under the aegis of Sirjana Fine Arts Public Educational Trust, Srijana School of Fine Arts has been approved by The Department of Education, Kathmandu Metropolitan City Office. 

Under the Plus Two Humanities program, students can take Fine Arts (Painting, Applied Arts, Sculpture), Dance and Music.

Admission Guidelines

  • Students are welcome to visit the school for a tour and to get counseling.
  • An entrance exam is conducted by the school.
  • Students that pass the entrance test are requested to contact the school for further information and admission. 


Sirjana College of Fine Arts
Sirjana College of Fine Arts
  • Uttar Dhoka Sadak, Lazimpat, Kathmandu


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