Sagarmatha Technical Institute

Samjhana Chowk, Biratnagar, Morang


Sagarmatha Technical Institute (STI) was established in 2051 BS. STI believes in the type of education which is demanded by existing National requirements. It believes no Nepali should be unemployed due to lack of access to technical education training specially in ANM and CMA.

The mission of Sagarmatha Technical Institute is to provide necessary knowledge and skill encouraging trainees for self employment and to produce low-middle level technicians for successful implementation of Government policies, Plans and Programs.


Fulfillment of national requirements in TVET education hence contributing in employment rate.


Enable trainee to start their own business and develop professionalism in them with advance knowledge in their respective fields.


  • To rum program for the welfare of the back ward poor community based on the close co-operative of the society
  • Research and Development of the Appropriate Technology and to institutionalize. 

  • Established 2051 BS
  • private Institution
  • 021-521102


Koshi Vidya Mandir
Koshi Vidya Mandir
  • Maisthan Marg, Biratnagar, Morang
Everest Secondary School Biratnagar
Everest Secondary School Biratnagar
  • Biratnagar-5, Biratnagar, Morang
Vinayak Boarding Secondary School
Vinayak Boarding Secondary School
  • Sainik Tole, Mills Area, Biratnagar 12, 56613, Biratnagar, Morang
Arniko Secondary School Biratnagar
Arniko Secondary School Biratnagar
  • Biratnagar-13, Tintoliya, Arnikopath, Biratnagar, Morang