Kathmandu Hospital-Kathmandu Nursing Campus

Shrijansil Marg, Basundhara, Tokha, Kathmandu


Kathmandu Hospital/Kathmandu Nursing Campus is located at Basundhara, Kathmandu. With affiliation from CTEVT it is offering PCL Nursing (Staff Nurse) program.


Our vision is to deliver health education of the highest quality to meet the needs of the individual, academic institution, health institution and the nation through widening participation.


To address the national and ultimately the rural problem of the need of the skilled human resources, particularly in the areas of health throughout human resource development program.

Goal/ Objectives

  •  To meet the demand of nursing manpower in the country
  • To motive youth in skillful job in the field of health service.
  • To make nursing education accessible.
  • To create job opportunities in nursing field.



  • private Institution
  • 01-4016759, 9857621314


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Kamana Boarding Secondary School
  • Gongabu, Tokha, KathmanduApprox 1300m away
Deep Jyoti Boarding High School
Deep Jyoti Boarding High School
  • Gongabu., Tokha, KathmanduApprox 3300m away
Forward Academy
Forward Academy
  • Gongabu, Tokha, KathmanduApprox 3400m away
Kantipur English Academy
Kantipur English Academy
  • Gonagabu, Shanti Tole, Tokha, KathmanduApprox 3400m away
Kathmandu Institute of Technology
Kathmandu Institute of Technology
  • Dhapasi, Milantole, Tokha, KathmanduApprox 3500m away