Horizon Engineering College

Aaitabare, Itahari, Sunsari


Horizon Engineering College is located in Itahari-4 in Aaitabare in Sunsari district. With affiliation from CTEVT, this college is offering TSLC in Civil and Survey Engineering.

Admission Guidelines

Pre-Diploma/TSLCL in Survey Engineering

Eligibility SEE passed
Intake Capacity 40 Persons/ Batch
Course Duration 15 Months (Including 3 Months on-the-job training)
Certification Pre-Diploma in Survey Engineering

Pre-Diploma/TSLCL in Civil Engineering


Individuals who meet the following criteria will be allowed to enter into this program:

  1. SEE pass
  2. Students should pass entrance examination administered by CTEVT
  3. They should submit the following documents at the time of application
    1.   SEE pass certificate
    2.   Character certificate 
    3. Citizenship certificate (for the name, parents' name, age, date of birth and address verification purpose only)
  4. Final selection will be made on the basis merit list.
  5. The quota for different category of students will be as per the enrollment policy of CTEVT.
  • private Institution
  • 025-582509


Ramdhuni English Boarding School
Ramdhuni English Boarding School
  • Bhasi-2, Jhumka, Bhasi, Sunsari
Rastriya Secondary School Sunsari
Rastriya Secondary School Sunsari
  • Hansposa, Aapgachhi, Itahari, Sunsari