The law stream refers to an educational pathway that focuses on the study of legal systems, principles, and practices. Students who choose to pursue the law stream in their high school or undergraduate studies are typically interested in pursuing a career in the legal field, such as becoming a lawyer, judge, or legal scholar.

In the law stream, students are exposed to a wide range of theoretical and practical coursework that emphasizes legal principles and practices. They may study various areas of law such as criminal law, civil law, constitutional law, and international law. They will also develop skills such as critical thinking, analysis, and communication.

The law stream provides students with an in-depth understanding of legal principles and practices, as well as the skills necessary to analyze and apply these principles to real-world problems. Students who pursue the law stream may go on to become lawyers, judges, legal scholars, or work in legal-related fields such as government, policy, and business.

Overall, the law stream offers an educational pathway that provides students with a deep understanding of legal principles and practices, as well as the skills necessary to succeed in the legal field. It is an excellent choice for students who are interested in the law and have a passion for justice and fairness.