Gorkha Polytechnic Institute

Gorkha Polytechnic Institute

Palungtar-04, Palungtar, Gorkha


Gorkha Polytechnic Palungtar is a constituent campus of CTEVT. It is offering Diploma in Civil Engineering program. 

Gorkha Polytechnic Institute (GPI) has been established by Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) in Palungtar, Gorkha as it’s Constituent Polytechnic Institute in affiliation with CTEVT. The aim of its establishment was to produce trained and skilled human resource for the Construction market of Nepal. GPI is well equipped with the required facilities to provide technical & vocational education on Engineering Sector. In the academic sector GPI launched a three-year Diploma in Civil Engineering program from 2017 AD and Diploma in Electrical Engineering From 2018 AD. This Institute is the first Constituent institute for Conducting Diploma Level Engineering Programs in Gandaki Province of Nepal. In term of vocational sector GPI offers 1 week to 26 weeks training programs of Various Sector Such as Engineering, Agriculture and Many More.</p> <p>Since its establishment (2017 AD) GPI has been providing quality Education and Training in Engineering related occupations. So far, the school is on the way to produce Competent and Skill full and Diploma Graduates.


“Producing Competent Engineering Work Force for Prosperous Gandaki by Conducting Quality TEVT Programs”


“Center Of Excellence in Engineering Workforce”


“Enhance Academic Excellence to ensure 80% employability of Graduates Providing Quality Education and Training by 2023.”

  • public Institution
  • 064400095
  • gpipalungtar69@gmail.com


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  • Hanshapur Lapsibot, Hanshapur, GorkhaApprox 148000m away
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  • Bungkot, GorkhaApprox 160800m away
Sanskrit Secondary School Gorkha
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  • Tandrang, GorkhaApprox 199000m away